Author Topic: EDIT- hitbox issues regarding bricks  (Read 1883 times)

I am making a large pack of terrain bricks that emulate terrain from Far cry 3, but am having problems downloading the obj to blb converter. When i click the link in this post: "" , for the download all i get is random text and wingdings font... i need a link to this converter to make the pack.

FIXED: Firefox could not recognize this as download for some reason, had to open it in internet explorer (bleugh!)

also regarding collision boxes, i know in blockland vehicles the box needs be convex, does it also need to be convex for brick models?

issue resolved, locking
« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 06:38:50 PM by zombekillz »

going well so far, but the collision box thing is killing me...

here is a screenie of the first modular piece, its like mod terrain but less flat, so you can actually use the suspension in those vehicles

i have found that all collision boxes must be boxes, according to badspots post about the exporter, that doesn't tell me mutch, so i used the cube tool to make a few rough hitboxes that outline the real model, and what do you know, nothing, i still just walk right through the landscape the only thing at all that the hitboxes achieve is to make my camera bug around and get stuck places...

im wondering if you cannot edit the vertices of the cube when forming it to the correct shape of the hitbox, amd that they need to be perfect rectangles, if you cant then this is my problem

how are round brick hitboxes made :I

they need to be perfect rectangles

how are round brick hitboxes made :I
DTS collision models. To see how to use them check some brick packs that use these like the 18 degree ramp.

ok, thanks, that might make things a bit more difficult, rectangles correct? just so i specify that they don't need to be perfect squares? because then i might as well give up now haha EDIT- oh, and can i rotate them...
« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, 01:35:56 AM by zombekillz »

ok, thanks, that might make things a bit more difficult, rectangles correct? just so i specify that they don't need to be perfect squares? because then i might as well give up now haha EDIT- oh, and can i rotate them...
BLB collisions must be cuboid in shape. DTS collisions can be anything.