Author Topic: Oxcorp!  (Read 3035 times)

get on AoT! >:( and why are you never on AIM?????

and Kaphix why you don't have blockland server running???? arrg!

you just might be the most annoying nub in AoT>:Z

Like the pot calling the kettle black...

where's that image Badspot posted?

get on AoT! >:( and why are you never on AIM?????

and Kaphix why you don't have blockland server running???? arrg!

Darklight, I uninstalled AIM cause it sucks, I quit AoT basically...I only go on forums to see whats up. I will only go on AoT about once a week to see who's on.


haveing to make a afk sign in a different window taking up space while get a giant tower saying so and log on so and so logged off like a billion time

oxcorp i suggest getting this unlike aim it does not suck

I already have xfire, I just dont use it alot

I have xfire and AIM....people I know who only have AIM >_<

I removed AIM, I have MSN and XFire...and I removed Yahoo. I think that's it.

Does no one know about Trillian?

It's such a great program.

I know about Trillian, never got to know how it worked. lol. I had AIM, MSN, xfire, and email. Now I just have email.

I got MSN so....get on aot or something today so i can tell you..................... :cookieMonster:

AoT is not me playing!!! Gremmer PLZ!!!

get on AoT! >:( and why are you never on AIM?????

and Kaphix why you don't have blockland server running???? arrg!

I told you I don't play blockland.