Author Topic: Betamax Tape/Kommunist: pure, unfiltered autism unleashed  (Read 7641 times)

Okay, Unova/Verification/Unova2
Unova’s an idiot but it doesn’t exactly invalidate what he’s saying

betamax if nobody likes you or enjoys talking to you why do you stay here

problem user: haha lol ill come back on an alt! its a master plan, nobody will ever notice me!
also every problem user who has ever done this: haha lol what if i was a handicap again lmao lol

haha youre right man i agree

unova bein a dumbass is a universal constant no matter what big brain thing he says

I beat my spaghetti rooster to unova’s schizophrenic posts

I beat my spaghetti rooster to unova’s schizophrenic posts
not funny

problem user: haha lol ill come back on an alt! its a master plan, nobody will ever notice me!
also every problem user who has ever done this: haha lol what if i was a handicap again lmao lol
and this is coming from unova/verification

also, who is Kommunist? I remember being k0mmunist, but seriously i'm not Kommunist

also, who is Kommunist? I remember being k0mmunist, but seriously i'm not Kommunist

and this is coming from unova/verification
you're more autistic than he is at this point so don't talk

i'm not Kommunist, i'm k0mmunist
regardless of what your previous names exact spelling is doesn't change that you acted like a handicap on that account too

hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah uahuewhuaehuehuehuaheu

do you ever think trolls constantly report every single user that posts

betacigarette is gay /support

do you ever think trolls constantly report every single user that posts
I think people get their report button removed for abusing and incorrectly using the report system