Author Topic: King of the hill (because redconer's died)  (Read 92350 times)

oh god

redconer, what ever you do, DO NOT HUG THE ROBOT.

My pulse is counted as 0.
A clone of me is sent from a UFO, hugs the nuclear warhead equipped robot buddy instantly.

I run quickly, it explodes causing dirt to bury redconer (note - not dead)
My weird hill.

My E-RSDD is launched into the air, flips, and lands right next to Crazy's weird hill.

My Extra-Radioactive Slade Death Bowl.

I fire a super anti-slade laser to your dome and nuke the earth again.

My pile of touch sensitive nukes witch I levitate above.

I throw a rock at the nukes detonating them, killing you in the process. Somehow I survive.

Mine and legolads hill.

But there was no hill for you to claim!

In that case, I claim a crater.

My crater.

I quickly fill the crater with depleted uranium cells. My hill.

I destroy the cells and turn the hill into a brick wall.
My brick wall.

I drop more bricks on your brick wall creating a hill of bricks.

Mine and legos hill of loose bricks.

I bulldoze over your bricks and push in some dirt.
My hill with a alyx and legolad inside

All of you die of the fallout after my nukes explode. I return with a nano armor that protects me from radiation.

My hill

The entire Island is transformed into legos.
My lego island.

I melt it down and move it back into a hill.

My hill.

I blow up the hill and make a lego hill out of obsidian.

You just took over the hill after I pushed you off it. Don't do that. Let someone else take over my hill.

Obsidian IRL is actually really brittle. I smash it and claim the pile of shards as my hill.