Author Topic: Zerves Photography  (Read 7608 times)

Awesome new forum :D.

Anyways, I like to do the photographies. Mainly digital, but I enjoy film as well.

Here is my Flickr:
My personal favourites are:

But those are just from the first couple pages of my Flickr.

Post your photographies here as well.

Did you make those macro shots? If so they are beautiful work!

i love those shots
especially the second one. the fence.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 09:27:01 PM by Zaie »

The first one was awesome.

The tiny spider one is amazing!

The tiny spider one is amazing!

And the quality is high definition :O

Zerves has ginger curley hair!

Those are surprisingly good. I would love to have that twilight one as my desktop, were it wide enough.

Whoa Zerves these are pro.

Ha ha

These are all very good!

Edit: Ok, this one wins:

My favorite RL minifig, riding a turkey.  How can that be beat?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 03:54:57 PM by laremere »

any like 17:11 ratio stuff i could use for my wallpaper

Your photography is excellent.

Thanks for all the compliments :D

any like 17:11 ratio stuff i could use for my wallpaper

Whats your screen resolution? You could pick one you like and I can re-edit it for wide screen.

Thanks for all the compliments :D

Whats your screen resolution? You could pick one you like and I can re-edit it for wide screen.

Mine is 1680x1050.  Do you have this in a larger size? ...

There you go RW, you can access the bigger sizes by clicking the "all sizes" button above the picture.