Author Topic: Toxicology - Spam, stuffposting  (Read 11962 times)

how is a blockland server topic a "stuffpost"
what the forget

being a server topic does not exclude you from being a stuffpost

that wasn't stuffposting as much as it was just him trying to be funny or whatever

oh jeez
not even the dankest of pepes will save you from this onslaught of drama

Also at the time he commented bs on my steam profile and invited me to a group called "ppl who should kill themselves" and took the screenshots of my profile.

In the drawings megathread he always defaces the pictures I draw and pastes his face all over them.

In a PM where I confronted him, he spammed enough "???" In a reply to cause a MASSIVE MASSIVE pagestretch, and resent the exact same thing when I told him about the said pagestretch.


In the drawings megathread he always defaces the pictures I draw and pastes his face all over them.
he's not doing it to just you

here i fixed it

mines better

here i make it better

though i used to be ultra sensitive to people editing my drawings so i know how you feel

Its a stupid form of trolling / "being funny" of him to do.

Do people get insecure when I put salt shaker on their faces?

believe it or not, people typically get irritated when they create something, put it in a thread intended to share things people have created, and immediately have it defaced by a yukster who has never contributed anything to said thread

the real question is why do it in the first place if you aren't trying to get under someone's skin

idk i think it's pretty funny
also why do you people get all up in your asses about stuffposting

In a PM where I confronted him, he spammed enough "???" In a reply to cause a MASSIVE MASSIVE pagestretch, and resent the exact same thing when I told him about the said pagestretch.
You can report PM's for this reason. It's a valid reason to report someone for. They can have their PM priviledges taken away.

the real question is why do it in the first place if you aren't trying to get under someone's skin

because it's pretty f unny

because it's pretty f unny
why is it funny
it's like "XD so random!" tier funny

why is it funny
it's like "XD so random!" tier funny

i'm certain it's not that

but it's very hard to explain

it's just... something about something being in a different context, in a place it wasn't intended to be. I think that's the basis for a lot of jokes, so really, Akio and Toxicology are displaying humor in its rawest form

he spammed like 10 eustaces in a row and claimed it wasn't spam because they were all different
different means rotated 90 degrees in this case