Author Topic: [NEWS] Canada Geese appreciation thread  (Read 3466 times)

How can anyone hate geese they have such soft little bellies and they are cute and have little wings

im calling the loving police trogtor
aye more like the HORNY police, you feel me? harharharharharharhar

trog i hate it

can geese are ok but they poop too much. normal ducks are a lot less poopy

they all poop the same. I feed the ducks on this one dock and they keep farnting and pooping like pfffftffftttt peeeeeeop pooo foopffffffff blofrp poomp

but canadian geese poop is chunky while duck poop is more splatty and so fades away/doesnt stand out as much

doesnt matter theyre cute

theres a forgetton of geese on my college campus

so much in fact, that its a rite of passage to get attacked by one

theyre just protecting each other because theyre special

Sheep out here playing Pokemon Snap IRL

i thought the reflection of that building was a trail of stuff for a sec