Author Topic: I need noise to sleep  (Read 2097 times)

I usually prefer a fan running

this is doubly important for me because my residence hall is so hot all the goddamn time jesus christ i have to have my window open and it's november

i listen to music or some kind of noise

i can only sleep without it if i'm really exhausted

tfw some people in the thread are psyching themselves out that they don't have tinnitus

my sister has a machine for sleeping that makes a low hum noise

try that maybe??? idk

i guess your 2 moms in the other room solves that noise to sleep problem

we have crickets turn up during the night and they always make noise
i swear we have some in the walls, but it's kinda normal where we live and it'd be awkward if they just didnt show up one night. kind of like how people in seattle like to put on rain noises when it isn't raining.

I sleep normal when it is pitch black in the room, but with lights on I fall asleep very fast.
No noise makes it harder for me to sleep, which is why I play calm music before I go to bed. (Yeah I need a little noise to sleep as well)

I'm a really light sleeper so I can never sleep with the tv on or if I can hear people are talking. The only sound I can fall asleep to is the fan running next to me. It drowns out most sound and produces a bearable white noise for me as well.

tfw some people in the thread are psyching themselves out that they don't have tinnitus
I thought everyone had it :/

I can fall asleep in silence if I'm extremely tired but usually I'll get too creeped out if I don't have a radio or TV on

I need complete silence to sleep
well, there's still the gentle hum that I always hear but have no idea where it comes from
but that doesn't count
Not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens

I need a fan to sleep
I can't sleep in complete silence but I also can't sleep if any noise but the fan is being made

I'm very picky :<

i need to be awake to sleep

I need a fan to sleep
I can't sleep in complete silence but I also can't sleep if any noise but the fan is being made

I'm very picky :<


I need a fan to sleep
I can't sleep in complete silence but I also can't sleep if any noise but the fan is being made

I'm very picky :<
Basically this. I run my fan regardless the weather