Author Topic: Revival: Yu-Gi-Oh Card Generator  (Read 9874 times)

Another subject I am reviving, here's the link.

Here's one I made.

I may cheaply print it out somewhere and show it to people at school, as it seems they now love Yu-Gi-Oh cards more then Halo 3, now.



Nice generator.

I made this December 02, 2006, 11:45 PM, when I posted it, to my surprise, people started laughing...I still don't get it, but I saved it anyway o.o

Beavis and Butthead.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 06:59:32 PM by General Omega »

could you pick up the soap?

I made a new version, but I bet it sucks!

could you pick up the soap?
Notice theres a pair of female feet behind him. o.o

could you pick up the soap?
Notice theres a pair of female feet behind him. o.o
I did too XD

I'm surprised nobody made a snot:D card.

I love this one I just made.