Author Topic: MoltenKitten - Randomly hostile towards Lord Tony/acting idiotic  (Read 2108 times)

Read the first few pages of this thread.

In it, you see MoltenKitten being flustered for 0 reason over a new club Lord Tony has made (which is fine).

It then spurs into random insults, creating his own stuffty clan, and then pretending he wasn't interested to begin with.

Col. Burton was also a part of this, but I feel he wasn't that important. Make a drama about him or not, do not care about him that much.

Molten, you had zero reason to be so hostile and such a spaz with this. It's Lord Tony's rules and you had no right to just nag about them, or make a crappy clone of it that was locked after 2 pages.

Politely asking someone to grab quotes, as this is being posted on a phone. Thanks.

If this wasn't needed, ignore this or just nosupport it. Just thought Molten was being a richard.

why did you make another drama on him

y did u bump it lol
I don't care if this is on the front page

Moltenkittens will never get in Harvest with that attitude.

Moltenkittens will never get in Harvest with that attitude.
Hes probably never harvested anyway

So let me get this straight, he picked a fight with somebody because of mlp and got stuff for a bad joke so he left the forum?

The forget...?