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Topics - Tomcat

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-link removed because gore, gross stuff, etc.-

Yeah, sure, skinning animals alive is pretty loving sick. What's worse is the fact that the cameramen probably paid the Chinese farmers to skin the animals alive for shock value.
The audio during this process is unclear, but certain words – translated here from the local dialect – are discernible. What do they mean? You decide.

As the man prepares to skin the raccoon dog alive, another man appears to be instructing him with such expressions as “You should do this.” Meanwhile, a clearly surprised on-looker asks, “You will skin the animal alive?” After the animal has been skinned, another on-looker calls to the cameraman, “Take a picture here quickly. The animal is still alive.”

The camera then comes in close on a skinned, but still moving animal on a pile of animal carcasses. While the moving animal is covered in blood, showing its heart was pumping during the process, the animals beneath it are clean, as they would be if skinned while dead, which, of course, is the normal procedure and the ONLY acceptable one by humane standards.

Another scene shows a man wearing tattered shoes, hitting a fox on the head with a knife, temporarily stunning but not killing it. He then struggles to skin the obviously alive, moving animal, alternating with beating it with the knife. The animal struggles so much as to make the job impossible, and a shot is seen of the man’s shoes on the animal’s head.

It is nonsensical to suggest that skinning an animal alive is normal practice since even this film of inhumane behavior proves this process to be difficult and dangerous, and furthermore the pulse of the living animal would cause extensive bleeding and damage to the fur. It is therefore highly likely that these scenes were staged.

Anyways, the video is pretty much the title- animals being skinned alive on Chinese fur farms. If you're curious then just search it up.

User was banned for this post

Games / Post 'yer Backlogs.
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:42:08 PM »

No More Room in Hell
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth."

A tribute to the highly acclaimed film series in which the above quote originated from, No More Room in Hell (PC Gamer's Mod of the Year 2011, ModDB's Editor Choice Multiplayer Mod of the Year 2011), is a co-operative realistic first person survival horror modification for the Source Engine. Taking inspiration from George Romero's "Of the Dead" series, the mod is set during a time in which the world is on the verge of collapsing into chaos from a disease whose origin is unknown. Many experts and organizations have their theories and ideas on how such a disease emerged and started to systematically destroy our very way of life, but one fact is clear to all. Whoever perishes from the disease gets up and kills, and the people they killed get up and kill.

The chances of you surviving this all out war of society and the undead are slim to none. Already, there are millions of the walking dead shambling about, searching for food to eat. There's no known cure. One bite can possibly end it all for you. However, you aren't alone in this nightmare. There are still a handful of uninfected survivors left in this god forsaken hellhole, and with co-operation and teamwork, you may live long enough to fight your way to salvation.


Teamwork: Co-operative play with up to eight players.

Voice and Text Communications Limited by Distance: The further you're away the harder it is for other players to hear you. Keep those walkie talkies close!

Dynamic Objective Maps: The next playthrough may not be the same as the last!

Survival Mode: Defend and maintain your shelter against the undead in the hopes of getting extracted to a safe area.
A Realistic Approach: In short, no crosshairs with limited "only when you want it" HUD. In addition, ammo and weapons are extremely scarce. With that in mind, aim down your sights and shoot for the head!

Multitude of Different Opponents: Ranging from the iconic "walking zombie" to the more contemporary "runners", NMRiH will keep you on your toes with a mix of dangerous foes to face down. However, the most dangerous enemy may not always be the walking dead...

Infection: One bite may be what it takes to bring you down. If infected, you must decide if you want to alert your team to rid you of your burden, or to keep quiet in the hopes of finding a cure...

30+ weapons and counting, ranging from the diminutive .22 Target Pistol, to the almighty Chainsaw.

No pay to win items

No ads

100% Free

For Mac, Linux, and Windows



tl;dr - This is amazing. It's much better than the current mechanical prosthetics we have now. The leg is adjustable even when sitting down and it uses electrical impulses sent from the brain to control it's movement.

Games / Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - Post-Apocalyptic Zombie Roguelike
« on: September 03, 2013, 05:42:06 PM »
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
A Post-Apocalyptic Roguelike

You emerge from the shelter into the dim light of an overcast day, and look around for the first time since the disaster.

The world as you knew it is gone and in its place, a twisted mockery of all that was once familiar.

Everything was cast aside in that frantic race for the shelter. You have no food, nothing to drink, no weapons. Nothing but your ingenuity and the fierce determination to survive against appalling odds.

A grim prospect faces you. Perhaps worse even than the nightmares of last night, when you were tortured by dreams of the dead themselves rising to jealously tear life from the living.

You cast your eyes up the road and begin to walk towards a house in the far distance. Things may be bad right now, but you've got a sinking feeling that there are darker days ahead.

     Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, or CDDA for short, is a post apocalyptic zombie roguelike, where the player, one of the few survivors of the apocalypse, must survive in a desolated and zombie infested region of New England, battling the living, the dead, and things not to be named. The player will face overwhelming odds and be at a disadvantage at almost every turn, with even minor decisions, such as taking an extra can of food or not wearing that jacket may mean life or death. The player must scavenge for food, water, and medicine while battling the living dead and despair.

     The player must all everything at his or her disposal to survive. Rig a flamethrower out of bottles, a hose, and a length of pipe, carve out a simple bow from a 2x4 and good string, turning bottles of gin into molotov roostertails, and setting up shotgun traps are just some of the things the player may do to survive. Trek the wilderness in search of food and water, stalking prey and wayward zombies with your reflex bow, or barricade a house and eliminate zombies piecemeal from fortified defensive positions, or modify a car to become a death mobile and obliterate everything in your path (Just remember to not run out of gas). You will adapt to the apocalypse and become a strong, skilled survivor, reading instruction manuals and training weapon skills and trade skills, or die at the hands of the living dead or worse.


In this scene, a player battles for his life in a ruined city.

Here, a player takes his heavily customized speed machine up to absolutely ludicrous speeds. His engines did not survive.

Here, a player shows his status menu, along with all the status effects his character has managed to accumulate.

The Mac version is not up to date, but the Windows version runs great under Wine. Mac users can natively play 0.6 however.
Mac 0.6

Off Topic / WWYD - What would you do?
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:36:55 PM »
User 2: What would you do if [yadda yadda]

User 1: I would [blah blah]

What would you do if [X]?

User 3: I would [Y]

etc etc.
Ask the user what they would do if [X] happened. Questions can be serious or silly.

WWYD if George W Bush took a stuff on your lawn?

Off Topic / PlayStation Blocklanders - Post your PSN tags here!
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:16:57 AM »

Code: [Select]
[b]Games I usually play:[/b]
[b]When I'm usually on:[/b]

Quote from: Tomcat
ID: Zombi_Loin
Games I usually play: Call of Duty 4, 5, MW2, MW3, Blops2.
BF 3, BC2, BC
Killzone 2
The Last of Us
Portal 2
When I'm usually on: 10-12 am and 2-5 pm EST,

Games / Post your gaming screenshots.
« on: August 05, 2013, 08:47:17 PM »

Forum Games / Forgotten
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:34:29 PM »

The Battle for Traxis, has just taken place. The city, a destroyed and broken hull, along with the entire planet, has been abandoned by both armies. You, a soldier, has been abandoned too.

Try and find a way off the planet.

Off Topic / Scots Wikipedia.
« on: July 25, 2013, 04:39:23 PM »

Drama / Yenola is back.
« on: July 20, 2013, 12:43:20 AM »

Off Topic / What would you do in a nuclear apocalypse?
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:53:38 PM »
Assuming that most urban centers were destroyed (All towns or cities with a population above 5,000) yet you were outside (a safe distance away from) of a major urban area, what would you do?

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