Author Topic: Germany and France get their stuff kicked in during New Year's Eve celebrations  (Read 6415 times)

you wanna rumble buddy? i'll have you know my body is composed entirely of six ice cubes made in the basement of a nucleolus study lab and i will shake your opposition like a glass cup of water. welcome to my subreddit world.
                  [-]   foxscotch   108 points   2 years ago
                  double forget you
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"Germany and France" didn't fit in the title, also they're the two largest countries in Europe soooo

I'm not going to beat around the bush, this was a pathetic attempt at clickbait

so this is not surprising in the slightest to any of you then

It's not that it isn't surprising, it's just that we're not as susceptible to outrage media as you are lmao

tbh man i was expecting some government coup or war breaking out in the eu based on the title, but instead i just got the generic ‘muslim grabbed some white titty’ story

doesn't this...literally happen every new years

lmao ok merkel you enjoy the refugee rape for the sake of being pc.

sorry that was me, there were no refugees, I just got really fu*cking horny

tbh man i was expecting some government coup or war breaking out in the eu based on the title, but instead i just got the generic ‘muslim grabbed some white titty’ story

UPDATE: day 8 after Europe falls apart, things are dire, we're struggling to get by. Send help.

Oh stuff europe is a pile of dust now

aftermath of post-new years europe [2018, colorized]

All these jaded liberals trying to not care about Islam wtwcy