Author Topic: pride decade 202x thread  (Read 122713 times)

Real talk why is there a whole month dedicated to the lgbtq community and black community instead of having a specific day like the rest of us? And why a rainbow instead of something unique? Aren’t these things very counterproductive to trying to normalize the lgbtq ideals into society?
forget you that's why
everyone complains about the gays and blacks getting pride months, but nobody has a problem with the fact that rats get an entire YEAR in the Chinese calendar
rats deserve a decade bitch

hairy leg pride!
hairy leg pride!
hairy leg pride!
hairy leg pride!

butch lesbian pride already exists try again
forget you i mean in general hairy leg pride
hairy leg pride
hairy leg pride

pride month fact   2: did you know? alan turing, who developed the turing test and played a pivotal role in cracking intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the national socialists in many crucial engagements, identified as gay

pride month fact   2: did you know? alan turing, who developed the turing test and played a pivotal role in cracking intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the national socialists in many crucial engagements, identified as gay
doesn't really impact my opinion about him but cool fact I did not know that 👍
stuff that sounds really passive aggressive im sorry
« Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 05:05:05 PM by Nigel The Protagonist »

im appropriating hairy leg pride for the trans men

im appropriating hairy leg pride for the trans men
there is no appropration for hairy leg pride

My legs aren't hairy because I'm not an APE

My legs aren't hairy because I'm not an APE
get outta here hlep
youre kind isnt welcome here >:(

please delete that pic i am begging you

Why, are you a HLEP or somethin?