Author Topic: eholt - Incompetent host  (Read 4573 times)

My Experience

A few days ago eholt (;boardseen#new ) posted some Military RP thread for his new server. I decided to join it when no other servers were up that had players on. As soon as I spawned I saw some ugly lines poking out the ground. People seemed to be driving around on machineguns doing stuff and no one told me to go anywhere, so I started wandering around. Instantly I was sprayed down by someone with an SMG. After respawning multiple times I was spawnkilled over and over. Eventually Skeletal started training me on some badly built training course and then took me to a half-built target practice area. After completing my "training" I started to look around. All the buildings were ugly boxes that had spammy roofs made of 8x16s and 4x4s instead of baseplates. There was not a rule board anywhere and the general would randomly call "Parades" which were just people standing on the ugly lines and if you stood on the wrong line you got shot. Eventually I took out a jeep and got perma banned for the reason "Suck my rooster" or something like that. I tried connecting a few hours later to see I was unbanned. I had to do training and was put in "Detainment" after killing someone who attacked me. In detainment was another user, who had been there for 2 hours in real life. We eventually broke out of jail using moveforward(0.1); and then got blown up by an apache helicopter without warning. Eventually I was released and then eholt reset the minigame. I stole a heli, shot open the walls of the jail to free the inmates and was then perma banned for "Mass trolling" without warning from eholt.

The Admins

The administration team consists of eholt - the host, and Skeletal - a moderator. Both the admins kill people whenever they do something wrong and ban people for breaking non-existant rules. It seems eholt is new to the game, as he does not know how to time a ban, for example giving a 60 minute ban. He just gives permanent bans and unbans you after a while or never unbans you. There is not a ruleboard anywhere and the forum link in the welcome message does not work, so almost no one will know the rules. I also have noticed admins breaking rules or baiting other players into getting banned. The ban reasons are nonexistant and usually just contain random swear words and terrible insults like "suck my rooster". If you criticize the server at all, or mention about the forum thread and how no one is saying the server is good, you are permanently banned - this happened to the user "Alts" and a few other people. Another thing is the eholt rushed this server. It is easy to escape jail and the camp itself, the towns are just spammy blown up houses and everything on the server could have less brickcount. This server looks like it was made in 10 minutes, which it probably was. Another thing is eholt has a very bad temper. He will instantly ban people, or start spamming "Damage Control" in the chat as an insult if you make him look stupid.

Other peoples experiences

As mentioned earlier, plenty of people have been banned for absolute trash reasons. The forum thread is filled with complaints and almost every single post is about "I was banned for this without a warning" which is believable, as I have seen this happen a lot ingame. Even more people who don't have forum accounts have been perma banned for breaking non-existent rules. 4 of the posts on the thread are talking about stupid bans, and the others are just explaining why the bans were stupid or other things about the server.


The Map:

The Chat:

Overall view

Overall, I would not recommend this server. The administration, build, rules and function are all poor. If I could try and help this server, I would tell the host to take time with building, get an actual working rpchat system, add ruleboards and learn to give ban reasons and fair warnings. I doubt this will ever happen though, as the host is probably too lazy to put effort. The only current players are probably young children, as they spam the chat "OMG BAN HIM HE IS INSULTING THE SERVER" or "OMG I WANT TO SHOOT YOU, SHUT UP!!!!!!". Yes, those are actual quotes from the server.

Rating of this server:
"Atleast the minigame works"

Rating of this server:
did you really have to include a rating...

did you really have to include a rating...
Its a sidememe, dw

I just want to say, I've been playing on the server for the last few days before I start my side.  So you can take it as the holy truth or with a grain of salt.  I've had a good time, the thing is, when people join the server, they look for the bad happening (ex: confused recruits).  There's a training process that gets put off for awhile if an event is happening, which is why the chat was chaotic.  Many of the bans and post you see are people that join and talk stuff, for recent example, Alts.  Literally as I typed this (I have Blockland open in the background), a recruit got in a vehicle and tried killing everyone here, and imminently left.  Overall, what I'm trying to say, is there's usually a reason for his bans and kicks, but if you actually have a valid reason (and aren't just saying half the truth), then you will probably unbanned. And by the way, permanent bans are saved for starfishs like you who interrupted the RP for at least 7 minutes, ruining everyone else's time, and insulted other's work that they spent time on.  Even if it doesn't look good, we're just trying to have a good time.

The server went to stuff at the end, don't know if I should support.

HellSpy is the only one who can properly host these. Why should we trust anyone else? /support

I misspelled immediately, for imminently, sheesh.

I just want to say, I've been playing on the server for the last few days before I start my side.  So you can take it as the holy truth or with a grain of salt.  I've had a good time, the thing is, when people join the server, they look for the bad happening (ex: confused recruits).  There's a training process that gets put off for awhile if an event is happening, which is why the chat was chaotic.  Many of the bans and post you see are people that join and talk stuff, for recent example, Alts.  Literally as I typed this (I have Blockland open in the background), a recruit got in a vehicle and tried killing everyone here, and imminently left.  Overall, what I'm trying to say, is there's usually a reason for his bans and kicks, but if you actually have a valid reason (and aren't just saying half the truth), then you will probably unbanned. And by the way, permanent bans are saved for starfishs like you who interrupted the RP for at least 7 minutes, ruining everyone else's time, and insulted other's work that they spent time on.  Even if it doesn't look good, we're just trying to have a good time.
So you are saying every time me and anyone else on the forums have played it was just a coincidence? I have played multiple times and it always seems the same.

I just want to say, I've been playing on the server for the last few days before I start my side.  So you can take it as the holy truth or with a grain of salt.  I've had a good time, the thing is, when people join the server, they look for the bad happening (ex: confused recruits).  There's a training process that gets put off for awhile if an event is happening, which is why the chat was chaotic.  Many of the bans and post you see are people that join and talk stuff, for recent example, Alts.  Literally as I typed this (I have Blockland open in the background), a recruit got in a vehicle and tried killing everyone here, and imminently left.  Overall, what I'm trying to say, is there's usually a reason for his bans and kicks, but if you actually have a valid reason (and aren't just saying half the truth), then you will probably unbanned. And by the way, permanent bans are saved for starfishs like you who interrupted the RP for at least 7 minutes, ruining everyone else's time, and insulted other's work that they spent time on.  Even if it doesn't look good, we're just trying to have a good time.

I never disrupted rpchat. The host started acting like a handicap and flinging child insults while his buttbuddies were spamming the chat with caps. Also you saying how recruits flew helis and blew you up just proves my point.

Lmao, this guy sounds like me from 2 years ago. I was hosting a boss battles server and any criticism a person would get banned. This guy is most likely 12 years old and really needs calm down. Also the build looks loving awful.

Lmao, this guy sounds like me from 2 years ago. I was hosting a boss battles server and any criticism a person would give to the server* get banned. This guy is most likely 12 years old and really needs calm down. Also the build looks loving awful.

Let me just quote this from the thread.
I was banned from this server for simply being from BLF.

i didnt know that you were flowey

Wait B.i.g. is flowey? wow that explains why he's such a sperg.

Where do I begin?
So first off when you said you didn't know where to go, I always direct any recruits to parade, sometimes its less obvious than other times, but you likely got shot for wandering off, most likely after numerous warnings
I also like how you diss my building skills numerous times, as you don't understand that people have different building skills

Also, you also keep saying I ban without warning, which is complete crap
It is true that before I gave insults as ban warnings which I no longer do, all insult bans are going to or already have been removed or rewritten, we now put a reason on and permanent bans are reserved for more serious issues, you always back up the people that come to talk crap, I wonder why?
It seems you have an issue with how strict this server is, i will kick those that do not behave, and I do warn
Also, the final ban on your account Structure was completely deserved, you had been continuously disrupting my server and I gave you too many second chances

You are also wrong about the staff
The 'admins' (as of writing) consist of

Gary Crow

All medium ranks receive moderator, they deserved it, they do not kill ban or kick without warning and they won't do it for no reason, I have also never witnessed any 'baiting out', trust me I know everything that happens
Also 'Alts' had disrupted parade, disrupted the server, was a nuisance the moment he spawned and admitted to 'baiting' (I assumed it was damage control but still)

Shooting for things like lining up on wrong line, disruption and trolling is no longer permitted as of now, kicks are just handed out to problems

And a few minutes after he got banned, you had the nerve to go back on the thread and say he was banned without reason and warning
Why do you chat so much stuff
The types that posted 'complaints' were the same people that disrupted my server

I do also like how you posted pictures of the build to try insult my build

However some things you ARE right about:

My 'temper'
This is something I need to work on

The immaturity of some people
 I do not like how some people act sometimes

My server does have issues and I do want to sort them out, however people like you don't help, it's one of those servers that need constant watch otherwise it'll collapse

Anyway, you are extremely biased towards the opposition, I don't know if they are also lying about why they were banned, and I'm sure they tried playing the victim

I do not ban people for criticising my server, there are a few examples who have ranks

Also, if you hate my server so much, hate how I run things, hate the strict nature
Why do you keep coming back? Im not even surprised if 'Alts' was you

Your rating is very cute by the way