Author Topic: There's a game on steam that promises 1 bitcoin to the first person to beat it  (Read 1954 times)

They have proof that they own the bitcoin so its probably not a scam. Not gonna spend the $1 just so someone can get it within hours of release but it'll be pretty interesting to see how this unfolds.

EDIT: After 2 days, the bitcoin is still there and only half of the 24 enigmas have been solved. Looks like I was wrong.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 11:23:04 AM by EcstaticEggplant »

Watch as all the answers get leaked

Watch as all the answers get leaked
At which point it'll become a race to see who can get 1 whole bitcoin first

$0 tho

inb4 someone datamines the answers and cheats themselves to the end.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2018, 02:10:07 PM by Master Matthew² »

Judging by the reviews, the problem isn't the answers being hard. The problem is that it's a big maze, and even has segments with invisible platforms.

just as a psa i would advise against downloading this game because it (probably) has a miner in it somewhere


                     T    A    R   T    U

                                                                                                              WELCOME TO THE DAR

just as a psa i would advise against downloading this game because it (probably) has a miner in it somewhere
i wouldn't be surprised if this is just the game running normally. games these days just use that much cpu/gpu

my stuffty snake prototype game ( ) uses this much resources on my i5 4440 and gtx 970:

but i wouldn't put it past the game mining bitcoins because it's a stuffty game on steam. all stuffty games on steam are probably doing something similar

Now i want a snap network and a pop network.

how much is a bitcoin worth?