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Topics - IkeTheGeneric

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So I was sitting down stuffting into my food with my mouth and I get up and I have a sharp pain in my mantool. Apparently some of my 'hair' caught in the underwear and pulled on it. This happened because it was hot in the dining room and I was wearing heavy clothes.

My folks wondered why I was screaming.

Games / Entertainment doesn't mean having fun anymore?
« on: February 13, 2011, 10:22:39 AM »
I've played dozens of online game, and so far most of them aren't fun. It's just repetitively tapping the same key over and over to get money and levels to tap the same key again.

It's not entertainment, it's mindless and useless work. Blockland is fun because it's not just the same thing over and over again. When I play a game I want to play the game instead of repeated gameplay. Real games aren't boring. Real games aren't repetitive.

And first-person shooters, they're still the same. All of them are "Shoot the enemy until you win". That was fun in 2003. That's it.

The real games are what keeps the gaming industry fun. Games such as Super mario galaxy, little big planet and dozens of other games that don't keep the same constant gameplay.

My brother is a pure example of one of the people who don't play games to have fun. He is always yelling and screaming at his game because he lost a level, didn't get online currency or was killed ingame. Why would you play a game just to be frustrated and stressed?

How would that be considered fun?

Gallery / A landscape DM-like build (36% done)
« on: February 12, 2011, 12:33:54 PM »
I like building landscapes, and DMs are fun. I took a shot at making a DM and this is the result

I used simple events, and even though it's not finished, it can still be fun. Once it's finished, I hope for somebody to be able to host a DM with it and I hope people have fun

Download link

And right now it's 36% done. I will keep an update history for what all happens.

Update history:
Nothing to add so far

Off Topic / Name a forumer that the forums couldn't do without
« on: February 12, 2011, 11:00:45 AM »
Now no cheating like saying ephi or badspot. Everybody knows the forum couldn't do without them.

But yes, post a link to a user here who's important and everybody would miss him/her if he/she left.

Warning: This is a thread containing everything that I doodle every now and then. Turn back if you are scared easily.

I Draw things when I am bored. I let my mind (and my mouse hue) wander. I draw everything that I think about and sometimes I try to make a joke about something stupid.

I will post them here from now on.

I will update every time I get a period

Off Topic / I have begun recognizing a stain as a powerful being.
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:28:41 PM »
Apparently a stain on the carpet was the product of spilt coffee. After awhile, this stain turned black. It has been in the carpet for six years. This stain is so memorable, as it's been a part of my memory for so long. It's vast knowledge.. I know that it can see and hear.

This stain was the result of a freak accident with liquid coco beans...but it grew to be so much more. I saw that deep inside of it, was a soul. A soul trapped forever inside of a white shag carpet. I could almost hear it, beckoning to me, asking me to put it out of it's misery.

I have recognized this deity. I have seen it's true potential. A suffering soul. It would give me signs of it's intelligence. It would turn off the lights, move things around and speak to me in my dreams.

I am now setting out on a quest to end this being's suffering. I will clean this stain out of the carpet, and let it be...ended.

« on: February 11, 2011, 10:01:06 PM »
I'm sitting, reading some hot research when my mom comes up and asks what I want for lunch, and I ask her if she could make me a tuna sandwich



Off Topic / Post a real life sound file of your voice.
« on: February 11, 2011, 09:44:10 PM »
Yes, Post a picture post a link or add an attachment so people can hear your butiful voice.

Sometimes people sound completely different from what they look like. So post your voice!

A real life voice, not some stupid non-real life one at that

And gogogo

Games / The Castle in Super Mario 64 - The most Eerie location on the N64?
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:46:09 PM »
I remember years ago, playing my Nintendo 64 and always playing the most popular game for it.

Super Mario 64. Nothing about this game was bad. In fact, it was possibly the best game I've played to some standards.

But one thing always stood out.

The Castle's interior scared me stuffless. I couldn't explain it at all! I was afraid of something, but I never understood what. I felt the castle was..wrong.

Looking back, I may have found out a reason why it was considered "scary". The whole place is friggin' empty, even in the remake! There's some toads, a boo and that's it.

It was creepy because the whole castle felt like something was always there, even though you never saw it. It gave you a feeling that you were watched, and the castle was lying to you. It looked like the castle was being forced to be happy and peaceful.

So discuss this, and post if you've ever been scared of this castle.

One day before I made this account, IkeTheGeneric, I made Qyail. You're possibly thinking "wtf why you make two accounts".

You see, I registered my account with my email which is at But, at the time I hadn't known that all emails through embarq are linked through the adress "", so I thought the account couldn't be made because of this.

So, I guess I'm an alt :cookieMonster:

Off Topic / Somebody appears to be stalking me.
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:56:27 PM »
So last week, I accidentally bumped into some guy who was walking on the sidewalk, and he said "excuse me". Dark brown hair, green eyes and a tiny nose. He then walks off, but kept on staring at me.

The next few days I kept spotting  this guy in crowds and just walking around the place. He acted weird, too. He would have a blank expression and just stare at people as they walk by, and he rubbed his hands on every object that he walked by.

Then, every time I looked at him he pretended to be doing something. (I.E. Looking at his phone, looking at his watch and whatnot) Then he just suddenly disappears. The last thing I saw him doing was adjusting his jacket.

Discuss this odd event.

Creativity / Draw what happpened to you in the last five hours.
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:01:45 PM »
Pick an event that happened at least five hours ago, draw it and post it here. Pretty straight forward, amirite?

Games / Weird stuff that happened while playing Dwarf Fortress
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:10:04 PM »
So yeah I play it. It's fun. But while starting up my eighth fortress, a thief immediately runs off with a rock. Just a rock. How stupid is this? He had to be high or something, because he ran really deep inside.

Another thing is while my drawbridge was down, six cats just run inside, and cross it before I can raise it. These cats just humped like crazy and I had to kill them and seal their bodies inside of a deep underground tomb to avoid miasma.

The third thing is where one of my Dwarves, Dweyer Anvilgash, took a fey mood and decided to build a table.

Not just any table. The table. "This Iron table is of the finest quality craftsmanship, it is engraved with the image of a lion eating a stump. It has Jaded-Emerald spikes". All of the dwarves (Even the one in labor) stops everything and stares at the table. I had to lock a the door to the room just to get them to do something.

And while digging down, one of my dwarves were possessed and decided to relocate the piles of minted gold coins to the left side of the room, then he killed himself.

What is up with this game

Off Topic / Personal issues and why this Would Affect Me.
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:37:53 PM »
I'm having personal issues :cookieMonster:

Stress and Anger is building up from no release. I can't find anything to do to relieve stress. This has been an issue for almost a year now.

I've tried almost anything possible to relieve stress, but I just can't force myself to do things I subconsciously don't want to do. Like I don't feel like playing a game, I can't force myself to play it.

So, I've tried stretching, playing games, drinking soda more, playing on the wii, riding my bike, running and brainstorming.

And no, I'm not going to use masturbating as a stress release, it's not convenient at all.

How stress affects me, apparently, is because it makes me irritable and tired. My parents are getting worried about my gloomy behavior and I want to be happy again.

Drama / KentehFurry - A real sportsman
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:12:09 PM »
So, at Gravity Cat's Government vs. Rebels, humbly murdering our fellow congressmen who have turned rouge on our so called Blockywood, a guy decides that it is considered "fun" to teamkill, saying we are forgeters for letting him kill us.

While mowing us down, people decide that maybe they should actually fight back (as in try to hit him with a jeep). He goes on about how his team is full of idiots, and nobody knows his true forum account. Although, he seems to have a problem with me, Orion and my brother so it's bound to be somebody I know.

His ID is 22500. Real shocking, I know.

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