Author Topic: Any good games for xbox360?  (Read 1306 times)

I can't really find any good games. (I already have assassins creed 1/2 fallout3 Modern warfare 2. World at war.)

That can be found on amazon? ( I usually order from there.

Call of Duty 2. It's the only good CoD game. Other than FPS's. there is also the Project Gotham Racing series. Lost Planet is also good.

Halo 3, pretty good game. Do not go online though.
Orange box: but I strongly suggest getting it on the pc instead

Cod 4 is really the best game for
multiplayer coz it has big/cool maps
and the levels are good two  :cookieMonster:

Halo 3, pretty good game. Do not go online though.
Orange box: but I strongly suggest getting it on the pc instead
Online is the best part... oh right... Serious business.

I suggest Armored Core: for Answer