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Topics - Sheepocalypse

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Off Topic / yo is this song doodoo or
« on: July 28, 2023, 06:23:41 AM »
Never recorded music before and I can't tell if I just hate my voice or if this is actually just cringe. I used my Valve Index VR headset to record it because it has a better mic than my Blue Yeti.

Off Topic / Botach stole the Blockland symbol
« on: May 05, 2023, 09:48:10 AM »
tryna buy some mags and noticed that I wasnt on the BLF although the icon looked the same


Off Topic / went from making 35k/yr to over 140,000 lmao
« on: June 23, 2022, 10:22:27 AM »
rags to riches. big ups. I'm going to buy a flock of geese

idk why I made this post. I guess I'm just excited

Off Topic / Gilbert Gottfried dead
« on: April 12, 2022, 03:16:49 PM »
Wtf??? He really dead

Off Topic / i bought a house
« on: November 26, 2021, 10:59:40 AM »
I am 22 and bought my first house. 2 bed 1 bath for around $200,000.... and unfortunately that is a good price for my area.

what do i need to do now? like I will call the electric company and put the electricity in my name, I will have garbage pickup once a week, and I will need to establish internet.

anything else i'm not thinking of?

Off Topic / Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges
« on: November 19, 2021, 12:46:30 PM »


Off Topic / I own Bir Tawil and now establish it as my own country
« on: November 18, 2021, 07:07:33 AM »
For those who don’t know, Bir Tawil is legitimately unclaimed land on the Sudan and Egyptian border. No country owns it. No country claims it.

I claim it. This post is my official declaration of a country under my leadership.

It will be renamed to Sugondese, and I will be the sole leader in my dictatorship country. Anyone who has any issues with me owning this sliver of land has to go through me. They have to 1v1 me in siege but they can’t use Blitz or Clash.

Off Topic / Is it legal to work two jobs at the SAME time?
« on: October 19, 2021, 05:37:58 PM »
Get this.

I got a new job a few months ago thats primarily a desk job. I just unlocked the ability to work from home.
With my current technology, I can access my home computer from just about any computer, which can then access my work computer.

And now heres the other part. I can still work at my old job whenever I want. This old job is 95% downtime. I have access to a computer there.

So now... Can I work at my new job AND my old job at the same time, basically doubling my wage? Id literally be making like $42 an hour doing this shenanigan. Is this legal or just like a "lmao dont do that bud" sort of thing?

Off Topic /
« on: October 07, 2021, 04:19:13 PM »
This is an AI that will make an image off of whatever text you enter. The image is always pretty jank but still surprisingly accurate.
Post your creations.

(even though this one was weird I thought I should censor a questionable part)

Off Topic / I see nothing wrong with cannibalism
« on: September 30, 2021, 08:22:37 AM »
There I said it. I mean it. Obviously there is something wrong about killing an individual, but I don’t see anything wrong with eating human flesh. We’re all bags of meat. “But that’s what YOURE made of! I don’t care. Meat is meat.

If I had to get a limb amputated for non infectious/gangrenous reasons, I’m 100% getting that limb frozen and I’ll eventually eat it. It’s my own limb. I have the right to have it back and I don’t see anything wrong with eating it given it’s fresh and not rotting.

Think about it. People are willing to kill other people just so they can eat them. That must mean we probably taste amazing. I know you’re as curious as I am.

You will either suffer from obesity, or suffer during your gym sessions.

Hungry, you fat pig? Eat shiritaki/konjac noodles. An entire bowl of them is like 50 calories. Ketchup and other sauces have a ton of calories/sugar and there are alternatives that taste just as good. Celery fills you up and had virtually zero calories.

Buy a VR headset to fuel your crippling gaming addiction. Fast paced games like shooters give you a better workout than you’d expect. You’re also having fun while doing it.

Off Topic / Where the forget is One and a Half Tonys
« on: August 23, 2021, 12:17:23 AM »
Mf teased this show years ago. So where is it Tony? Was it just a ploy? A scam? I’m still loving waiting

I was just browsing through the old archives of his stuff. That sucks.

Off Topic / What’s the best VR headset for shooters?
« on: June 20, 2021, 06:28:13 PM »
Played H3VR at an arcade and really enjoyed it after always wanting to try it. I plan on playing mostly shooters. What’s a good VR set for that? I know some sets are better for different things.

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