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Messages - King Tøny

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 987
You said goodbye multiple times. Im all for you staying, but just wanna say that your epic exit is no longer epic.

Sorry couldn't find the stairs.

K bye. (for real this time)

Welcome back bro

I went back and reread and you just misunderstood me lol.

I never said I was going to stop trolling, I was just going to be less edgy when I troll.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 30, 2023, 01:54:46 AM »
Also I'd get banned for "admittance to trolling" if I told people I was trolling.

So I kinda couldn't let people in on the joke, anyways. That would be an EZ ban.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 30, 2023, 01:47:36 AM »
(I don't think it counts as a character if no one else is in on the joke)

That south park episode with kyle's dad is probably the most accurate.

It's such advanced level of trolling it's pissing people off so they vent about it while the other people are actually more angry at the people getting mad and not the troll itself.

Having people not in on the joke and creating chaos in the process is the joke.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 30, 2023, 01:44:44 AM »
Can you release the wip for blockland if you are no longer building it in blockland?

When I find it I'll let you know, remind me if I forget.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 30, 2023, 01:42:51 AM »
Bro played a character so long it became his legit personality. (I don't think it counts as a character if no one else is in on the joke)
congrats on getting cancelled, idiot.

It's called meta humor and it's only funny if 1 person gets the joke while the other are arguing whether it's trolling or not.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 26, 2023, 05:31:04 AM »
Hey tony can u post the files for your medieval rpg if your never gonna play this game again

I'm building it on bricadia now.

Drama / Re: Plastiware was arrested for child research
« on: March 24, 2023, 01:37:04 AM »
Never liked the guy I trolled him endlessly now they want me to apologize to blockland forums as a whole for trolling people like plastiware


Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 24, 2023, 01:35:55 AM »
Also can confirm, wouldn't say Tony was all that quiet quiet but he was chill.

Reading this just makes me proud of the moment I got him banned for admitting to trolling years ago. I'm still baffled as to how he got his permaban turned into a 2 week one.

That's right I did get banned once for admitting it.

that should have been a perm ban lol

Everyone wants a shot at the king of trolls.

maybe they're just trying to beat your world record for longest troll facade.

9 months of pretending to be a supporter is pretty impressive.

They laughing at me on twitter now because I have a rule saying viewers cannot befriend mods now. They know why that's a rule now.

Hiding and changing names is more sus. Someone will find you eventually and call you out for trying to hide from your past.

I'm not hiding because I know I was just trolling.

The problem with cancel culture is you have troll groups that will find literally anything you said a decade ago and then use it to control you under the guise of social justice.

Say I had a 99.9% clean record on blockland well if they find that 1 post where I wasn't clean that's it game over, cancelled.

Go back a few pages I literally said I'm not a victim.

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 11, 2023, 01:38:51 AM »
The toy store build was fun to explore and the medieval RPG was cool

Thanks man. I am still working on the medieval world on bricadia

you were calling me a friend on bl servers when i was 12

you are ten years older than i am

Just thought I'd make one quick point then I'm outta here.

I grew up in the 90s and back in the 90s when we used that word we used it to describe someone being stupid and annoying. So if I ever called you that it was because you were loving stupid and annoying.

I have never once used that word as a slur for gay people.

It is people like you that turned it back into a slur to insult gays.

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