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Topics - Zerosan

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions & Requests / -connect parameter | os protocol binding.
« on: November 15, 2008, 01:44:13 PM »
Adding the "-connect ip:port" parameter again would be a very nice feature,
as it doesn't require much scripting/programming and would open up a few possibilitys that could come in quite handy.

a working "-connect ip:port" parameter would make it possible to let programs like xfire work with blockland.
also it would be possible to register a protocol for blockland inside windows,
so for example you could create links in html like "blr://ip:port", click it and it automatically opens blockland with the proper arguments.
So linking the Server Browser on the RTB Homepage directly to the blockland client would be quite easy.

I'd also suggest to include it in a blockland update, as it is something that should be on any client.

General Discussion / Poll/Discussion: Master Server slow?
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:10:26 PM »
Well, since v9 came out and the forums got updated,
the forums as well as the master server seem slower to me, much slower.

Sometimes it takes up to 18 seconds to validate my blockland key, that took max. 3 seconds before the updates.

Sometimes loading the server list takes up to 20 seconds, same, only about 2-3 seconds before the updates.

Is it the same for you?
As I think that it matters here, you should post what area you live in (Region/Land)

It's Germany - Europe for me.

Suggestions & Requests / Better ServerBrowser.
« on: August 15, 2008, 11:52:14 AM »
I request a better server browser with the following criteria met:
 - Ability to fixate the filter, ensuring that the filter settings will be re-applied so servers not meeting the requirement won't even show up to begin with.
 - Server favourites based on a unique ID. (the unique ID should be linked to the BL Key, internally on the master server)
 - Servers should be able to deactivate the unique ID feature or request a new unique ID.
 - Automatic refreshing of the server browser every "range from 5 to 300 secs" using a text input field and a checkbox.

I hope you will put in all changes, cause they are fundamental and quite easy to realize.

Suggestions & Requests / Advanced Loadingscreen
« on: April 19, 2008, 12:26:17 PM »
It would be nice if there was some more information about the loading progress.

Like information about the current file loading (Size of the single file and how much is already loaded)
and how much has to be loaded for the total progress.

So, blockland would have to check all files the server needs, and then load them.

Drama / Solution for Patsy
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:27:28 PM »
Hi Badspot,
just wanted to suggest a simple solution that would also scare of other people like Patsy.

Get his IP and note the date and time,
if he lives in USA, he can be sued quite easily.

With pictures like that he is doing real damage, espeacialy taking into account that there are quite much young people in this board.

He broke the law, fight back with the law.

And if this doesn't work, just give away his IP adress to some underground chats, they will know what to do, and I'm sure the serious ones are willing to make his life miserable.

Suggestions & Requests / [Forums] Rating threads
« on: February 19, 2008, 08:05:05 AM »
I just wanted to suggest that a mod for rating threads should be integrated into the Blockland Forums.
It would really come in handy for stuff like the file category.

This way there is no more need to flame someone so much, just give a bad rating and the thing is clear :)

Gallery / Undulo Glass Pyramid Effect
« on: February 12, 2008, 08:22:58 AM »
Just a nice effect I created^^ It's quite simple, but when it's moving it's hypnotic.

Modification Help / Bot script optimization
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:00:58 PM »
Hi there, it's me again :D

Well, I've got a little question, I'm working on a script that works with multiple bots.
And I've got a little question....
right now I'm looping through MissionCleanup when I'm applying stuff to a variable amount of bots.

Is it more effective to create an Array where all bots are listed?
(Best would be if I could insert referers to the bot objects).
And, how do I use arrays?

(I'm not sure about it, I've read about scriptgroups, may this be the best solution for this?)

Hope someone can help me^^

Modification Help / AIPlayer onDeath Callback (search)
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:19:44 PM »
Hi there, I've got a little problem.
The question is:
 Is it possible to get/create a effective callback for the AIPlayer so I can trigger some events in this case.

One of the problems is the case when a bot falls down from a bigger height, it will die, that's quite okay.
But I don't want to tick go through too much loops just to get the information if a Bot is dead or not.

Can someone help me with this problem? Any solution for this?


Suggestions & Requests / Dynamic SlashCommandGui
« on: January 03, 2008, 04:10:51 AM »
I think of a simple Gui for / commands, that also allows keybinding of commands.

 - It should be able to request command lists from the server.
(Requesting them after the login, this is a simple thing to do)

 - It should be able to hide or show commands depending on the status on the server.
(The required rights should be in the serverside and clientside list, the serverside list should have a higher priority.)

 - ToggleCommands should have a checkbox.

 - SwitchCommands could have a list of parameters.
(Maybe a userlist with a dropbox or a editbox with autocompletition)

 - There should be a text file allowing to easily add commands to the gui so that it is compatible to older scripts using slash commands.

Suggestions & Requests / Direction independent macroing.
« on: December 22, 2007, 09:54:26 AM »
Would be nice if you could insert a option so you can toggle if macro recording depending on the direction or not.
Also the playing of the macros.

So you could also look into a different direction while playing or recording the macro without it messing up your macro.

Also cool would be a little arrow in the gui that shows you in what direction the current brick is facing, this way it is possible to prevent many problems with for example square bricks (you can't see in what direction they are facing) only ramps or the vehicle spawn allow this right now...

Suggestions & Requests / Dedicated Server for Linux
« on: December 19, 2007, 12:55:27 PM »
This is something I'd really like to see for Blockland,
this way there could be servers that can handle much more players without lag.

Also the network limits are evil, at about 12 - 16 players the bandwidth doesn't seem to matter anymore ,
it just lags at this point, they should be more adjustable.

Help / Gamepad/Joystick use in Blockland
« on: June 30, 2007, 10:26:00 AM »
Well, it was something that took me some time to figure out.

I have a Playstation Controller with a adapter plugged into my PC,
I want to use it mainly for the control of vehicles in the game, cause it's just suited in a better way for it then the mouse.

I found the command "enableJoystick();" that enables the Controller.
And I mapped the Axes from the Controller to the standard controls that are used for the mouse.

It worked... well optimal... it's to insensetive, I push the brown townog stick fully to the right and the head of my player just ticks a little bit to the side I pushed.

My target is to use the Gamepad for the control of vehicles, it should also have something like autocentering so when I get the brown townog stick into the center position, the view also should go into the center position... thought, I don't know if someone knows how to make this possible.

  Zerosan (Hope someone can help me with that.)

Suggestions & Requests / Compressed Data transfer.
« on: June 26, 2007, 05:32:48 AM »
Well, I saw something that just sucks.

Just a few examples:

basic flatlands = 257 -> 8
bedroom = 321 -> 13
bedroom dark = 321 -> 13
dark flatlands = 257 -> 8
DM Torched = 257 -> 81
flatland classic v2 = 257 -> 1
green holes = 257 -> 30
kitchen = 385 -> 20
kitchen dark = 385 -> 20
office = 321 -> 14
plane valley = 578 -> 72
simple island = 257 -> 8
simple islandv2 = 257 -> 8
slopes = 578 -> 101
wizzislands = 579 -> 86

the terrain files got ~35 times smaller.
that means, 35 times less data to transfer.

and you can almost see the same effect when you try it with the dts (shapes).

You really should  give it a thought if you don't allow external sources (like giving adresses to the files at a http or ftp server).

Think about it Badspot ;D

Modification Help / Torque, TCPObject problem, Listen
« on: June 14, 2007, 08:05:21 AM »
Well, I try to set up a tcpobject listening on a port I defined so I can connect to the server directly using php.

But It just doesn't seem to work, maybe someone in here has some documentation about how to use the TCPObject, cause the .dump(); doesn't get me anywhere I want.

Example of what I want to do.

 - Let the BLR Server listen to the TCP Port 8080.
 - Connecting to the BLR Server using PHP on TCP Port 8080.
 - Using some stuff for authentification, this isn't really important and will depend on what I'm doing after the connection is initialized anyways.
 - The Server should also be able to send a response to things that it got from my php script.

I don't know if anyone in here ever did something like that. (Hope someone did).


Note: I've already searched in the GarageGames Forums and Wiki, also in here and in the RTB Forums and Wiki.

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