Author Topic: controversial statement s  (Read 37830 times)

tbf anecdotal evidence + correlation doesn't equal causation makes this argument weak
Yeah, agreed. But take into consideration that I've looked at quite a few large gay communities to see if this was the dominant trend, and it very much appeared to be.

I know and have been around many gay people. The conclusion I drew comes from the common trend I've noticed among these people. Pretty much all of them were very frequent masturbators and big consumers of research.
refuse to believe this man is serious.

It's almost like it's extremely false and based off nothing but anecdotal evidence.

Yeah, agreed. But take into consideration that I've looked at quite a few large gay communities to see if this was the dominant trend, and it very much appeared to be.
Do you understand what anecdotal evidence is? You just admitted it's a weak form of evidence and then provided more

Do you understand what anecdotal evidence is? You just admitted it's a weak form of evidence and then provided more
Of course I understand what anecdotal evidence is. That said, have a look at this paper; Traeen, Bente & Daneback, Kristian. (2013). The use of research and loveual behavior among Norwegian men and women of differing loveual orientation. loveologies. 22. e41–e48. 10.1016/j.loveol.2012.03.001. . It shows that homoloveual and biloveual men masturbate a lot more than heteroloveual men. Same goes for women but to a lesser degree.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 10:25:01 PM by theblocker »

It shows that homoloveual and biloveual men masturbate a lot more than heteroloveual men.
Is this surprising? People who are detached from traditional reproduction are intrinsically more loveually hedonistic, they have no other purpose for it. The idea that it caused homoloveuality is your anecdote.

bro i hate gay people so much like bro i hate them

Is this surprising? People who are detached from traditional reproduction are intrinsically more loveually hedonistic, they have no other purpose for it. The idea that it caused homoloveuality is your anecdote.
You present an interesting point. I'll have a look at it when I wake up.

shut up blocker you are in the closet

shut up blocker you are in the closet
wow that was such an epic comeback mate, you totally destroyed that family man by calling him gay and being gay is bad so obv you just OWNED him

wow that was such an epic comeback mate, you totally destroyed that family man by calling him gay and being gay is bad so obv you just OWNED him
thanks man, been brewing that one up for months, finally got a chance to use it

btw im straight (not gay)

wow that was such an epic comeback mate, you totally destroyed that family man by calling him gay and being gay is bad so obv you just OWNED him
the only reason to treat something virtually meaningless with derision and ignorance is because you're in the closet about it and want to express it; or you're just an unempathetic person; and most of the time, it just means someone is in the closet about it

wtf cheesepizza just sent a love letter for me on my facebook page