Author Topic: I hope to God Brickadia is not most Blockland players choice as a successor  (Read 29542 times)

oh no :( baby boy cant say the N word and call the devs transmissions in the official discord :( such bad moderation :panda: :panda:
y'all really take badspot's leniency for granted.

scratch-like coding blocks are incredibly robust. if any of you have checked the scratch site in the past 5 years you'd see that. would nodes be more capable of doing complex things? probably; but blocks are easier to look at.
blockland events made if-then statements a massive pain in the ass. imagine wanting to require VCE or equivalent to manage any variable other than score instead of having it natively supported. just because it's what you're used to doesn't make it objectively better.

like how do two different lego games devolve into culture war
Very easily actually, do you remember ROBLOX vs Blockland? There were even culture wars between different free v0002 overhaul mods.

I think it started when Brickadia first sorta came out of the shadows and everyone instantly jumped ship to Brickadia leaving Blockland with depressingly dwindling player counts. When this happened it felt important to try and warn everyone to not invest their chips too heavily into Brickadia because, due to technical limitations of UE4, the game was going to have objectively inferior mod support compared to Blockland for a significant period of time. Regular players do not understand what modding requires or entails, nor do they understand implications of an engine change, so we wanted to tell people to stick around in Blockland for a little longer because ultimately gameplay is more important than graphics and we didn't want to drop our huge Blockland mod projects halfway through because everyone was too busy oogling over ~shiny brick~ to play Blockland.

This issue eventually resolved itself when ComputerMix, a meth addict who manipulates his parents with threats of Self Delete for more drug money, destroyed Blockland with an exploit and forced it to go steam-only which murdered the playerbase far more effectively than Brickadia ever could.

But at the time, the response from the devs, when we finally got it, was to just dismiss that fact and tell everyone that we're a bunch of idiots that have no idea what we're talking about because mod support is totally possible in UE4 even though to this day the only evidence we've seen of it existing is an image of scratch events which is obviously just a mock up. This ultimately sent a bunch of angry goons to each side but everyone in support of Blockland just got banned as soon as they stepped foot in the discord, which brings us to the next point of contention.

Brickadia's moderation style is extremely heavy-handed, compared even to normal "no drama" discords like BCC. In addition, it is directly tied to your ability to play the game. On top of that, Brickadia's early userbase is almost completely comprised of BLF refugees with crazy vendettas who want to gatekeep the community. This isn't a political thing, some of these people are insane right wingers like Planr who apparently go around harassing transgender and homoloveual members of Brickadia off-site by sending them Bible verses that tell them they're going to hell. He's actually by far the most outspoken anti blockland advocate right now. This guy got me banned because he went sobbing to the moderators and had to explain his pregnancy special interest in detail so he could send them out of context screenshots as evidence I was targeting him for harassment when I was making stupid fortnite research jokes with my friend at 3AM, and he joined under the name "door ladder" or "I eat wholesome bee" or something. All because he is still mad at me that I called him out for saying that watching lolicon is a "god given right". I didn't even loving know it was Planr, but this scheme somehow worked because the entire moderation board is made up of people that hate my friend group. So, go figure. It's not because there's a bunch of freshmen wanting to say the N word, every discord on the planet has that issue. It's because Brickadia is full of ex-Blocklanders who lost arguments in the past and want to make sure it doesn't happen again.

girl have you ever played blockland? talkin about a damn "community". anyway the only problem with brickadia is the lack of mod support and no offense but I'm not too convinced that the thing they're working on is really going to serve as an effective substitute

the game is literally in alpha of course there is no mod support

This guy got me banned because he went sobbing to the moderators and had to explain his pregnancy special interest in detail so he could send them out of context screenshots as evidence I was targeting him for harassment when I was making stupid fortnite research jokes with my friend at 3AM
you should've bullied him harder

unironically my biggest issue with brickadia is that players don't bend at the hips.

we rebranded the bcc cause over half the people in there dont play blockland anymore, so we jokingly went the "gnu not unix" recursive acronym route, not because we hate blockland or something
You're just saying that because you're a deep state embedded agent I'm not falling for any of that

unironically my biggest issue with brickadia is that players don't bend at the hips.
i want control over each individual toe of my model please sir

You're just saying that because you're a deep state embedded agent I'm not falling for any of that
just trust me bro im staff watch they dont hide anything from me

the game is literally in alpha of course there is no mod support
the later you add it the more of a hassle it's gonna be for users of it. it's hard for me to understand why you would even try to make a sandbox game without it being part of the foundation, particularly when it's a spiritual successor to a game where mods are literally the only reason it ever succeeded

going from 0 moderation to a normal amount of it gives people here whiplash because they don't know that other large communities don't think it's funny when you say the n word 241 times
what a horrible post

- restricted servers, you cant host what you want because hosting honor students is banned, not that honor student servers are good but this restriction to begin with is just aids, and fact you get shadow banned by the brickadia moderation/devs its also garbage
i can understand why they'd do that, they obviously want to disassociate with the blockland community. i never understood why blockland users do edgy stuff like that but i know it's just filled with 16 year olds going through a phase to get acceptance ( i was 16 once)
- development team has their heads up their asses or something, not only the dev members are sketchy as stuff with bias to one and the other (creep dev) but they cant get anything done to make brickadia into a sandbox game
yeah i heard that brickadia devs were nonces