Author Topic: 2012/10/29 - Blockland r1753  (Read 40874 times)

oh hey, bugfixes. fun.
Bugfixes are a fantastic thing. Do you want this game to be hugely unstable and riddled with bugs? Because I know a block building game that's just like that, it's named Minecraft.

Are there any more optimizations to shaders coming soon?Or anything else that will
increase the performance of Blockland?

I would like to know because I may upgrade my graphics soon and to know if its necessary or not, just for Blockland though.

I can't actually do that. RTB puts a notice right where the button is soon after I start the game.
actually, something I found to easily circumvent this is by clicking just left of the notification.

Bugfixes are a fantastic thing. Do you want this game to be hugely unstable and riddled with bugs? Because I know a block building game that's just like that, it's named Minecraft Roblox.

Fixed case where double clicking "select" really fast when starting a custom game results in no add-ons being enabled
Perfect, just what I needed.

I tend to think that the update that fixes the previous update is the better update. Don't you?

Just going to drop in and let you guys know that the notification issue with RTB and the start server window is sorted in the next patch.

Just going to drop in and let you guys know that the notification issue with RTB and the start server window is sorted in the next patch.

thank you.

  • Fixed invalid packet errors related to legacy doors
  • Fixed legacy doors not working on dedicated server
  • Fixed projectiles and debris rendering with no lighting
  • Fixed occasional GL error console spam related to particle emitters
  • Fixed case where double clicking "select" really fast when starting a custom game results in no add-ons being enabled

Big help there, good job.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 07:10:41 AM by Wrapperup »

Bugfixes are a fantastic thing. Do you want this game to be hugely unstable and riddled with bugs? Because I know a block building game that's just like that, it's named Minecraft.
i wasn't being sarcastic?

i wasn't being sarcastic?

this isn't an easy excuse to pull when you noticed your post wasn't well received?