Author Topic: Join Me  (Read 1398 times)


"age of consent minnesota"
"flights to Philippines"
"coming out as gay to dad"
"CIA application form"

« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 05:35:21 PM by Bisjac »

wtf ive seen some stuff just now

if you don't want to actually break your search history, use it in incognito mode.
because nobody wants "how can i break the news that i'm a raging homoloveual" when they search "how can i make money"

Is that something everyone gets at the end?

otis is unclean now
That's implying Otis was clean in the first place.

To be honest these were pretty tame compared to things I normally look up for fun.

what happens if i incognito mode it

what happens if i incognito mode it
your search history will not be ruined

"am i lack toast and tolerant"

oh my gosh

"am i lack toast and tolerant"

oh my gosh

reminds me of the time I tried to look up Osgood Shlatters and searched Aushkin shlyders because I had no idea how to spell it