Author Topic: Gui variables  (Read 650 times)

How would I be able to show variables on a client that is given by the server on a client gui (text).

I asked this same question a while ago and I never got a proper answer...

That means two people are wondering the answer.

You would need to have a clientCmd that receives information and processes it onto the gui. Then have the server use commandToClient(blahFunction,args1,arg2,argN); with the args being information you want to relay.

Example for some sort of RPG:
Code: [Select]
function clientCmdRPGName_receiveData(%class,%guild)
        ClassText.setText("Class: " @ %class);
        GuildText.setText("Guild: " @ %guild);
Then use this code from the server to update the client's "rpg data"/text controls:
Code: [Select]
commandToClient(%client,'RPGName_receiveData',"Warrior","Gay Pixy Nobles");
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 04:43:50 AM by Destiny/Zack0Wack0 »

commandToClient(%client,'RPGName_receiveData',"Warrior","Gay Pixy Nobles");
Lol, you have great examples.