Author Topic: Post Your Playlists!  (Read 1063 times)

Post links to your music playlists.


« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 09:52:25 PM by hillkill »
pretty long (9 hours 37 minutes) fallout-esque (20s-50s) playlist i made a while ago. if i'm drawing or some stuff i'll put this on but otherwise i usually just play through all my songs

pomf pomf

Spotify: Just Tunes - 968 Songs, 64 Hours

It's full of the best of the best songs from my local music collection and anything I come across. I'm always adding new tracks on the fly. Just hit shuffle and see what kind of stuff you kind find. The goal would be to eventually branch this into sub-playlists with various themes, but this works as a starting point.

1512 songs so far
starts off as a jojo reference but gets worse

liquid dnb playlist; it could be way more than 174 songs but it's more comedic and focused that way

K-pop/K-hop playlist, not my largest but that ones private because its a colalb with a friend. Also had to use this alt account on Spotify because I logged in with KikeBook on my main