Author Topic: The Mushroom Kingdom: Peach's Castle Updated Pictures  (Read 4557 times)

I already made one, a bit more attention to detail compared to yours...

HOWEVER... I focused more on the exterior, as I built it for Filipe's Red Chest Collab back in May and didn't need an interior. Maybe we should join forces and combine our builds. There are a couple more photos on my topic on it --HERE--
See. You built your exterior with Modter. I didn't. Which explains why yours has more "attention to detail" It looks really good though. The exterior never really got finished, I was just really bored over my break.  My castle has special door events, spawn events, etc. Ill try to make a small video today showing them off.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 03:01:01 PM by TehEpicMan123 »

Them fighten' words
Couldn't you have worded this a better way? That's not very nice.
OK richard
wowe Okie.
Did I really sound harsh to you guys? Gosh, I-i had no idea... (this is me getting all emotional) all this attention, like... I was j-just s-showing off I guess, sure his contains an interior, b-but I guess I can't win when I want to display my creations and what I get is a big ball of hate upon my body... (big deep sigh)

Did I really sound harsh to you guys? Gosh, I-i had no idea... (this is me getting all emotional) all this attention, like... I was j-just s-showing off I guess, sure his contains an interior, b-but I guess I can't win when I want to display my creations and what I get is a big ball of hate upon my body... (big deep sigh)
Eh, I liked it. But both of our builds have differences, interior, brick choice, etc. same but different?

it's pretty nice. are you using teleports to get inside the building or is it real doors and such?