Author Topic: Weapon - Tactical Knife (As seen on TV)  (Read 42852 times)

"As seen on Call of Duty, and pretty much every other FPS ever made."
Is the constant need of melee weapons removing your ability to hold the max five weapons? Are you tired of being unable to suprise someone with a good slice to the back without first pulling out your weapon and giving away your position? Then look no further! With this magical weapon enabled you can literally stab people just like in a famous few games we all know and love, just tap the right mouse button with any weapon equipped and you will magically equip the Tactical Knife, and give it a good slash. Hitting whatever it is that stands in your path. But not only does it allow you to quickly knife someone, but as soon as its finished, you automatically re-equip the weapon you were holding just before you used the knife!

This weapon comes complete with: 1 tac-knife weapon (Including one awesome animation, and 3 cool sound effects), and 1 Playertype. And for those who don't like the "MW2-Style Player" and his ability to heal after 5 seconds with no damage. Adding the tac-knife to any datablock you want is as easy as putting this into the playertype file.
Code: [Select]
usesTacKnife = 1;
Q: I don't see the weapon on the weapons list!
A: The weapon does not exist in your inventory, you can't pick it up, you either have it, or you don't. And if you want it, try setting yourself to a playertype that can use it.

Q: Can you change it to a different button? I wanna be able to use ironsights.
A: No, a few reasons: 1) If I was to change the key to other ones, such as the brick remove or brick plant keys, it would be awkward to either have to reach across the keyboard, or have your building key somewhere completely different from the other one. And I can't make it client sided, because then people without the add-on would have to use a / command. 2) Ironsights are stupid, annoying to use, and tideous to program. 3) (This is a big one) Too lazy to.

Model made by: Yndaaa
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« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 06:20:02 PM by Rykuta »

Can we have a video of it being used in action?

Did you fix knifing vehicles upon getting out?

Did you fix knifing vehicles upon getting out?
Not yet, easy fix though, I'll get to that right now.
And done.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 12:41:59 PM by Rykuta »

Goddamn I had this idea a while ago. W/e.

Dayumn, sister! Not taking up a space in inventory is the best part. Now I can have a set of Rifle, SMG, Shotgun, Anti-Materiel, and Pistol without having to put a Knife in one of their places.

Clap clap.
Good job Rykuta.

wont work :C i have it enabled and everything but i cant find it

Yay now I can use 5 guns and have a secret knife :D

wont work :C i have it enabled and everything but i cant find it

It isn't a conventional weapon, you have to set your datablock to one that supports it, then right-click.

theres a tac knife datablock?