Author Topic: Bot hole help  (Read 1732 times)

I'm trying to add a bot hole to my Keroro player to avoid the polygon disappearing issue. Every time I test it, the bot doesnt spawn.

help plz

Quote from: bot_base.cs
// Torque Game Engine
// Copyright (C), Inc.

// Load dts shapes and merge animations
datablock TSShapeConstructor(KeroroDts)
   baseShape  = "./keroro.dts";
   sequence0  = "./gero_root.dsq root";

   sequence1  = "./gero_run.dsq run";
   sequence2  = "./gero_run.dsq walk";
   sequence3  = "./gero_run.dsq back";
   sequence4  = "./gero_run.dsq side";

   sequence5  = "./gero_crouch.dsq crouch";
   sequence6  = "./gero_root.dsq crouchRun";
   sequence7  = "./gero_root.dsq crouchBack";
   sequence8  = "./gero_root.dsq crouchSide";

   sequence9  = "./gero_look.dsq look";
   sequence10 = "./gero_headside.dsq headside";
   sequence11 = "./gero_root.dsq headUp";

   sequence12 = "./gero_jump.dsq jump";
   sequence13 = "./gero_jump.dsq standjump";
   sequence14 = "./gero_root.dsq fall";
   sequence15 = "./gero_root.dsq land";

   sequence16 = "./gero_activate.dsq armAttack";
   sequence17 = "./gero_arml.dsq armReadyLeft";
   sequence18 = "./gero_armr.dsq armReadyRight";
   sequence19 = "./gero_armboth.dsq armReadyBoth";
   sequence20 = "./gero_spear.dsq spearready"; 
   sequence21 = "./gero_throw.dsq spearThrow";

   sequence22 = "./gero_root.dsq talk"; 

   sequence23 = "./gero_death.dsq death1";
   sequence24 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftUp";
   sequence25 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftDown";
   sequence26 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftAway";
   sequence27 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftTo";
   sequence28 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftLeft";
   sequence29 = "./gero_activate.dsq shiftRight";
   sequence30 = "./gero_activate.dsq rotCW";
   sequence31 = "./gero_activate.dsq rotCCW";

   sequence32 = "./gero_activate.dsq undo";
   sequence33 = "./gero_activate.dsq plant";

   sequence34 = "./gero_sit.dsq sit";

   sequence35 = "./gero_activate.dsq wrench";

   sequence36 = "./gero_activate.dsq activate";
   sequence37 = "./gero_armsflail.dsq activate2";

   sequence38 = "./gero_root.dsq leftrecoil";
datablock AudioProfile(KeroroDeathSound)
   fileName = "./shinryakunanoni.wav";
   description = AudioClose3d;
   preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(KeroroJumpSound)
    fileName = "./gero.wav";
    description = AudioClose3d;
    preload = true;
datablock AudioProfile(KeroroPainSound)
    fileName = "./gero2.wav";
    description = AudioClose3d;
    preload = true;

datablock PlayerData(KeroroArmor : PlayerStandardArmor)
   shapeFile = "./Keroro.dts";
   uiName = "Keroro";
   canJet = 1;
   maxDamage = "400";
   runForce = "5930";
   maxForwardSpeed = "11";
   maxBackwardSpeed = "6";
   maxSideSpeed = "8";
   jumpForce = "1070";
   airControl = "0.7";

useCustomPainEffects = true;
   PainSound         = KeroroPainSound;
   DeathSound         = KeroroDeathSound;
   JumpSound         = KeroroJumpSound;

   mass = 100;
   drag = 0.02;//0.02
   density = 0.80;//0.6
   runSurfaceAngle = 70;
   jumpSurfaceAngle = 70;
    runForce = 90 * 90;
   maxForwardSpeed = 10;
   maxBackwardSpeed = 5;
   maxSideSpeed = 7;
   attackpower = 9;

   maxdamage = 100;//Bot Health
   //Hole Attributes
   isHoleBot = 1;

   //Spawning option
   hSpawnTooClose = 0;//Doesn't spawn when player is too close and can see it
     hSpawnTCRange = 8;//above range, set in brick units
   hSpawnClose = 0;//Only spawn when close to a player, can be used with above function as long as hSCRange is higher than hSpawnTCRange
     hSpawnCRange = 32;//above range, set in brick units

   hType = Friendly; //Enemy,Friendly, Neutral
     hNeutralAttackChance = 0; //0 to 100, Chance that this type will attack neutral bots, ie horses/vehicles/civilians
   //can have unique types, national socialists will attack zombies but national socialists will not attack other bots labeled national socialist
   hName = "Keroro";//cannot contain spaces
   hTickRate = 3000;
   //Wander Options
   hWander = 1;//Enables random walking
     hSmoothWander = 1;//This is in addition to regular wander, makes them walk a bit longer, and a bit smoother
     hReturnToSpawn = 1;//Returns to spawn when too far
     hSpawnDist = 80;//Defines the distance bot can travel away from spawnbrick
     hGridWander = 0;//Locks the bot to a grid, overwrites other settings
   //Searching options
   hSearch = 1;//Search for Players
     hSearchRadius = 150;//in brick units
     hSight = 1;//Require bot to see player before pursuing
     hStrafe = 1;//Randomly strafe while following player
   hSearchFOV = 0;//if enabled disables normal hSearch
     hFOVRange = 0.7; // determines the angle we can see the player at, 0.7 is about normal fov for players, if 0 we can see all in front, if 1 we could only see someone perfectly ahead, can be negative
     // hFOVRadius = 6; // no longer used, we now use searchRadius
     hHearing = 2;//If it hears a player it'll look in the direction of the sound

     hAlertOtherBots = 3;//Alerts other bots when he sees a player, or gets attacked

   //Attack Options
   hMelee = 0;//Melee
     hAttackDamage = 15;//Melee Damage
   hShoot = 1;
     hWep = "";
     hShootTimes = 5;//Number of times the bot will shoot between each tick
     hMaxShootRange = 300;//The range in which the bot will shoot the player
     hAvoidCloseRange = 2;//
      hTooCloseRange = 7;//in brick units

   //Misc options
   hActivateDirection = 0; // 0 1 2, determines the direction you have to face the bot to activate him, both, front back
   hMoveSlowdown = 0; // bool, determines wether the bot will slow down when following enemies
   hAvoidObstacles = 1;
   hSuperStacker = 0;//When enabled makes the bots stack a bit better, in other words, jumping on each others heads to get to a player
   hSpazJump = 0;//Makes bot jump when the user their following is higher than them

   hAFKOmeter = 1;//Determines how often the bot will wander or do other idle actions, higher it is the less often he does things

   hIdle = 1;// Enables use of idle actions, actions which are done when the bot is not doing anything else
     hIdleAnimation = 1;//Plays random animations/emotes, sit, click, love/hate/etc
     hIdleLookAtOthers = 1;//Randomly looks at other players/bots when not doing anything else
     hSpasticLook = 1;//Makes them look around their environment a bit more.
   hEmote = 1;

datablock fxDTSBrickData (BrickKeroroBot_HoleSpawnData)
   brickFile = "Add-ons/Bot_Hole/4xSpawn.blb";
   category = "Special";
   subCategory = "Holes";
   uiName = "Keroro Hole";
   iconName = "Add-Ons/Bot_Keroro/icon_keroro";

   bricktype = 2;
   cancover = 0;
   orientationfix = 1;
   indestructable = 1;

   isBotHole = 1;
   holeBot = "Keroro";

The polygon issue is there because you named your nodes a bunch of stupid ass stuff. Use unhidenode

The polygon issue is there because you named your nodes a bunch of stupid ass stuff. Use unhidenode

but i dont know what loving function im supposed to put it in

well looks like your bot will never ever be fixed. Sorry zach

is there an onbotspawn torquescript function? i cant just put it alongside the shapeconstructor function because that wont work.

I think onadd or oncreate or onspawn exists

It's onAdd for the PlayerData - KeroroArmor::onAdd(%data, %obj)

Node names should have nothing to do with the bot not spawning at all.
I think it might not be spawning because of the last line. It should be the datablock and not the UI name.
So holeBot = "KeroroArmor" rather than "Keroro"

forgetIN UREKA!!! IT WORKED!!!

lol yeah i drew the icon

kobble, legit thank you so much.

and just for the hell of it

so you can have either a invader of your own, or you could have an invader whos hellbent on destroying all of blockopon

Ew the background is disturbing me, pls use to remove that background

sometimes i just think to myself "honestly we should give zach a chance" but he keeps getting himself in the proper situations to keep trolling him

I mean in this situation he didn't know that certain utilities exist, but I guess that is because it was his failure to read the sticky topics for help before assuming