Author Topic: Zapk's singing spam  (Read 45526 times)

I asked Nal if he wanted to have a friendly competition.
He declined.
thats because I don't want to?
You said you didn't like Rising Lava itself, and I have the gamemode.
The power Nal holds.
dude, I said its not going to be back for awhile
I'm going to get a VPS sorted, remove donations, and maybe remove Powerups, don't expect it soon though, scores will be saved too.
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nal hosting rising lava confirmed
is this some big deal? I'm going to host it, I already said that

I'm going to host it, I already said that

thats unfortunate

Would you rather it be I?

yeah because youre lovey, lets have intercourse right now

Would you rather it be I?

do you know how painfully loving obvious it is that you're doing this just to be a richard
you didn't like rising lava previously, why host it

Why did Zapk give the mod to one specific user when he could have just released the mod to everyone? It seems really toxic and selfish to only allow one person control over something fun.

uhh it shouldnt be hosted over several different servers because then there's no choice on what to join. it should be in one solitary server to group all the players together.

Why did Zapk give the mod to one specific user when he could have just released the mod to everyone? It seems really toxic and selfish to only allow one person control over something fun.
Apparently, Nal is the chosen one, but honestly why did he give it to Nal? Do Zapk and Nal have any history together, Is Nal just a very frequent player? Can someone fill me in?

Probably because Nal's one of the few people who could actually run a blockland server well

Apparently, Nal is the chosen one, but honestly why did he give it to Nal? Do Zapk and Nal have any history together, Is Nal just a very frequent player? Can someone fill me in?
He had a very high level on the server, yes.
yeah because youre lovey, lets have intercourse right now
Tell you what, I might not even ban you this time.

uhh it shouldnt be hosted over several different servers because then there's no choice on what to join. it should be in one solitary server to group all the players together.
Speedkart and Blockheads Ruin Xmas didn't have that problem. I'm sure Rising Lava wouldn't either.