Author Topic: Obama lies straight through teeth at DNC Speech  (Read 1344 times)

Now let's say, hypothetically, that you had a wet ass pusillanimous individual, now lets say, hypothetically, I did NOT have a wet ass pusillanimous individual, by that logic you can determine, that my pusillanimous individual is superior, because as I have stated, I do not have a wet ass pusillanimous individual, and as my wife has stated, that is not the norm.

still waiting for the master matthew character arc

make fun of me if this is an obvious joke but did he actually loving tweet this

make fun of me if this is an obvious joke but did he actually loving tweet this


mate if you only have a gf for love you might as well get a hooker

make fun of me if this is an obvious joke but did he actually loving tweet this

How dare they make an obama bad thread! Quick, let’s make an uncle joe good thread!
Oh wait...

make fun of me if this is an obvious joke but did he actually loving tweet this
they don't need to have love, he just debates his wife into climaxing with facts and logic.