Author Topic: Anyone else hate what lego did to their gold coins?  (Read 1163 times)

Lego changed their chrome gold coins to pearl gold coins.

It does not look as good as it use to, I'm not sure why they even changed it.

i agree it looks worse

tony do you play with legos

tony do you play with legos
tbh this forum should be a good place to ask this.

I looked Here and looks like the ceased making them at 2011

I want the old coins back

This is probably the only time I can agree with tony because the old studs were amazing

any pictures comparing?
how bad are the new ones?

lol i just found a lego set i was looking for for years{"iconly":0}

i remember my aunt getting me that when i was like 5 or 4

any pictures comparing?
how bad are the new ones?

Not even a loving decal over it or anything.

damn those new ones look bad

i mean i kind of get why they did it because its more lego like and it can stick to blocks but i still prefer the old ones because they arent that ugly flat yellow/orange

wow that's pretty dull
i thought the old gold coins were gold 1x round plates?
these kind of remind me of wheels of cheese