Author Topic: Cognitive Conundrum - Now with actual updates. Just come on in.  (Read 20469 times)

Menen: Join Marc in the weedfest and become incapacitated too

32! 32, come in! Deltas, I think we just lost 32...

watch out 4 deamons !!

Sorry guys. I dont do drugs.

Follow that guy into the room hes going into

Sorry guys. I dont do drugs.

You begin to scold Marc for his improper use of his time. He very well knows that you aren't a fan of doing drugs, especially when you have serious business to attend to. All Marc can do is tell you to chill out, because hey man you are pretty tense. Lighten up on the guy, Marc does this all the time, man. Perfectly natural, maaaaaan. All the while you are giving Marc the business for getting high while working, nothing out of the ordinary is happening behind you. Nothing at all.

>Realize you're breathing bong smoke

befriend the crawler

Call for the pink taxi.

Punch the eyeball right where it counts.

Hay aces. add me on steeem

I probably shouldn't read this comic. My mother is right here, it would be kind of awkward.