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Messages - Silvia The Pirate

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Music / Re: Undertale Music Pack [100+ loops]
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:11:15 PM »
did you just copy the ogg files and rename them...?
No. I took songs from the whole soundtrack, looped them, and converted them into ogg files. If you paid attention to any of the loops, you could tell they weren't copied.

Music / Re: Undertale Music Pack [100+ loops]
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:25:52 PM »
There are alrewdy two threads of undertale music.
They don't have all of the songs. This one has all of them.

Music / Undertale Music Pack [100+ loops]
« on: January 19, 2016, 08:03:07 PM »
That's rite bois
Want ridiculous download times for your server?
Want to cause more people to hate the Undertale fandom?
This music pack to make your players absolutely loving hate you love you!

Some songs are split into parts because they're too awesome to be put in partially. Others may have stuff loops because they don't have good looping spots.

Without further adieu (Knight Knight made me do it), I present to you the Undertale Music Pack: (40.35 mb)

Address any and all complaints to the "forget-Off-And-Make-It-Yourself Foundation"

Drama / Re: R e a p e r and TheImminentGamer
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:39:20 PM »
I nominate this for the biggest OP of a drama 2015

Drama / R e a p e r and TheImminentGamer
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:10:13 PM »
I was playing on Imminent's Renderman Survival earlier today when R e a p e r decided to start killing people. Before you say that I should have expected this because it's a renderman survival server, the server was actually an adventure map of sorts.

At first, it looked like Imminent was actually on our side.

Beware, these images get pretty large.

And I left immediately after that.

Drama / Re: SkillBomb9000 - Badministrator
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:03:27 PM »
here is your problem
He isn't the owner of the server. That's why I kept coming back.

Drama / Re: SkillBomb9000 - Badministrator
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:53:50 PM »
Holy loving stuff, this guy just never quits.

James also got this ban.

Drama / Re: SkillBomb9000 - Badministrator
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:43:35 PM »
Triple post, he also bans people for leaving.

Drama / Re: SkillBomb9000 - Badministrator
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:39:47 PM »
His BL_ID is 179013 btw. He decided to change his name once I mentioned his drama.

Drama / SkillBomb9000 - Badministrator
« on: June 29, 2015, 06:35:39 PM »
I was on Riguy's Freebuild server when Riguy went AFK, and he left SkillBomb in charge. He then went on a power-happy spree.

He started making up rules that made no sense.

All I was doing was spam-clicking one of the default doors, one in the AFK room.

He kicks me again.

I don't... what?

He destructo-wanded James' house after kicking him.

The ban:

General Discussion / Re: Patient Zero's Mafia Madness
« on: June 07, 2015, 02:07:02 AM »
you probably shouldn't rely on people not abusing metaknowledge, imo

I know, that's why it would be extremely unlikely, and in very specific circumstances that someone would ever get revived. What the circumstance would be, I don't know. But it would have to be very unlikely to happen.

General Discussion / Re: Patient Zero's Mafia Madness
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:41:55 AM »
what is this
so according to your logic, if I do nothing and someone kills me for no reason, it isnt considered random killing?

I was making fun of people who claim they were RDMed when in reality their death was for a good reason.

General Discussion / Patient Zero's Mafia Madness
« on: June 07, 2015, 01:35:44 AM »
Patient Zero's Mafia Madness

Before I start this thread, I must note one thing:

This server will NEVER be unstaffed or dedicated. Should I ever go AFK, I will give temporary admin to whoever on the server I trust the most. If I do not trust anyone, the server will shut down.

1. Use common sense
2. Don't be an starfish
3. For the love of god, do not RDM.
5. Listen to any admins. If an admin is abusing while I am AFK, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NOTIFY ME WHEN I GET BACK.
6. If something is broken, tell me.

A list of all of my admins.
I do not know all of the names connected to the IDs on this list. If your BL_ID is on this list, please tell me your in-game name so I can put it on.
0. Patient Zero - BL_ID 38563 (Host)
1. Speedblade - BL_ID 3080 (Super Admin)
2. BL_ID 5214 (Admin)
3. BL_ID 6226 (Super Admin)
4. BL_ID 8952 (Super Admin)
5. BL_ID 13413 (Admin)
6. BL_ID 17649 (Super Admin)
7. BL_ID 23647 (Admin)
8. BL_ID 23766 (Admin)
9. BL_ID 44278 (Admin)
10. BL_ID 46098 (Super Admin)

Extra notes
1. The map will never change. Don't ask.
2. Give my admins and I time after rounds to find RDMers and deal with them. Don't spam me to start the loving round.
3. Yes, the afterlife is slightly different. No, I won't change it back.
4. I will only ever use the default pyramid map. I will not change the map itself, only the afterlife I made.


A brick that counts how many times it is clicked
A grave that displays your name when clicked
A coffin to click on for no reason at all
Two teledoors to Heaven and Hell


The regular old limbo from the default afterlife
Pong machine (DO NOT loving SPAM IT)
The Sword Arena
A relaxing area
Two teledoors to Hell and Limbo


Fire. Lots of it.
Spikes that are on fire
Eternal damnation
Two teledoors to Limbo and Heaven

Questions that may possibly be asked.
Q: Can I have adm- A: NO.

Q: Do you ever plan on doing x to the map? A: No, I will not change any part of the map, only the afterlife.

Q: Can you make the server dedicated? A: No, Mafia Madness runs terrible when dedicated and without moderation.

Q: Can you raise the max player count? A: Sure, let's just fill the whole loving map and afterlife with people and bodies.

Q: Hurry up and start the game please. A: That is not a question. Do you want RDMers running around?

Q: OGM DIS GUI RDMED ME!!!!1111@@@!@!. A: No he didn't, you pulled a gun on him and started shooting.

General Discussion / Patient Zero's Server! - Currently 5 gamemodes
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:10:09 PM »
Hey guys! I've finally decided to start hosting a little more. I currently have 5 gamemodes that I can host at the moment.

Gamemode #1 - Crumbling Arena

I'll have TheBlackParrot's Crumbling Arena. I will be sure to have plenty of music for it, so be sure to enable download music in your network settings.

Gamemode #2 - Disease

I'll be hosting Zapk's Disease on occasion. I have the version that was checked by someone and it should be clear.

Gamemode #3 - Mafia Madness

[]----[]'s Mafia Madness will likely be hosted the most often. I will only be hosting this one if I have an admin on or I'm available to be online.

Gamemode #4 - Speedkart

This will be the default speedkart, save for a couple of extra maps to play on.

Gamemode #5 - Super Smash Blockland

This is probably one of my favorites and I'll try to host this one as often as I can.

I will be taking any gamemode requests to add to my list.

Music / Four Steven Lynch songs!
« on: October 28, 2014, 06:43:28 PM »
I got bored today and decided to make some Stephen Lynch loops.

Craig - Download: (509 KB)
Special Ed - Download: (577 KB)
If I Were Gay - Download: (477 KB)
Grandfather - Download: (509 KB)

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