
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162018 times)

Lee Sin
"Noob team, you suck go die"
"gg report yasuo"
"This is the worst kind of players"

"Toxic players are the worst kind of players"

Lee Sin
"XD LOL no"
"Toxic players got skill"

Lee end score 0/20

If you told him he's 0/20 he'd probably say something like 'ofc i feed intentionally to trol u caus ur such bad team'. Always. loving hell.

wow i just tried out lee sin for the first time he's pretty hard :x

wow i just tried out lee sin for the first time he's pretty easy :x
fixed for you

i was joking about OCE

im really a NA player lmao

Its hard for me to expect that everyone here is from NA. Also its hard to fill in files with the lack of information, but ehh whatever.

playing lee well is hard

playing lee is easy

Has anyone even bought a chroma pack yet? They seem awful to be honest.

I don't think they are worth any amount of RP

i got the fizz chroma pack

Imagine Shaco chromas. forget all with clarity.

Thats a bad idea cause your ult would be super confusin

Ranked match
Took us 52 minutes to get a gold lead lol, we won in 1 hour 56 seconds.
They at one point had a 8.4k gold lead, and everybody lost lane.

The black and gold Lee Sin chroma looks amazing.

i also had enough left over for garen chroma