
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162400 times)

hasnt been a pbe update in a while...

There will be one at monday. Rito said a few days ago that there wont be a PBE patch until monday.

I tried out ap Varus on a 1v5 bot game and was expecting I was gonna have a p hard time. Tried alot of other troll builds, ap Heca and such and found it was abit tricky to keep up (after a while they will go as a 5 man squad pressing towers). But ap Varus oh boy. You're stompin! I knew it could be completely possible but man, it's viable honestly. I have yet to try it out in a normal as I'm expecting flamers. Also wondering if I should mid.

However yeah, for those that didn't know (many probably knew bohoo). Ap Varus got great damage. His W does ap dmg on basic attacks, which means he's a permanent Kayle E. The passive also stacks on the target which you detonate with an ability (ap scalin), you already knew this of course. His ult scale with ap, good burst and if the enemy team stays they will suffer the same damage as the first enemy hit and also get rooted.

Nashors, lich bane, and heck yea do dfg.. rabadon, zhonya and w/e.

Tons o dmg

now try this in a real match, you can't base how good a champion / strategy / build is in bot games

now try this in a real match, you can't base how good a champion / strategy / build is in bot games

AP varus is good. With full build, three autoattacks + ult he deals about 5500 magic dmg to an enemy champ.

so im just wondering

if you W reksai as lee sin when he/she is about to ult

does lee sin travel with reksai or does he just go to where "IT" ulted, but not to the tunnel

and also my smurf is 3-2 in provisionals
im doing better than my main already! woot
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 11:52:31 AM by Ayxrion »

now try this in a real match, you can't base how good a champion / strategy / build is in bot games

I can tell you from a bot game that you never should play ap heca.

Ap Varus works so good because his W passive detonation works of max health.

This vid showing it off abit.


500 ap means 45% max health with three blight stacks. That's viable if something.

so im just wondering

if you W reksai as lee sin when he/she is about to ult

does lee sin travel with reksai or does he just go to where "IT" ulted, but not to the tunnel

and also my smurf is 3-2 in provisionals
im doing better than my main already! woot
judging by the way it works with everyone else, just to the position she was in when he targeted her. with blinks/teleports, lee only travels to the position before the blink. i'm not so sure about dashes with w, but q travels with dashes/hard position changes (like alistar w). but yeah, he MOST LIKELY won't travel through the tunnel with rek'sai

bwuuuuh more lcuain nerfs

bwuuuuh more lcuain nerfs
He deserves it
speaking of

edit: can someone please explain how lp works....
Starting from 0 lp, i won four games in a row, then lost two in a row.
And I'm at 0 lp again.
That's bullstuff imo
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 03:01:37 AM by Ticonderoga »

edit: can someone please explain how lp works....
Starting from 0 lp, i won four games in a row, then lost two in a row.
And I'm at 0 lp again.
That's bullstuff imo
your mmr compared to your actual league rank is much much lower than it should be, so you get less points for winning and lose more points for losing

it should even out soon, either your rank falls to the mmr or your mmr rises to your rank depending on your w/l

aand im 3-6 in my provisionals

our darius fed yasuo to the ground, he kept overextending and blamed me for not ganking

he always overextended and got too greedy, lead to dying. :(

why are so many people going blue ez now? like i never used to see it but for some reason i see it everywhere now

why are so many people going blue ez now? like i never used to see it but for some reason i see it everywhere now
Because it's a safer alternative build that is strong right now.

Qtpie has been doing it recently, so probably a lot of his viewers are trying to act like him and be cool/hip.
I for one have always hated blue ez. I get a tear because it's op though.

I always play blue ez cause when I was first trying him out I played with a normal build for three games and did horrible, then tried blue build and did really good.
99% coincidence but nonetheless I've played blue build ever since.