Author Topic: How have your parents tried to shield you from the internet?  (Read 3664 times)

My mother is very open minded about that stuff and she knows I'm not an idiot who gives any information for a stranger, hell I even saw her playing GTA 4 one time running over pedestrians and actually having fun with that

My parents never trusted anyone on the internet that I didn't personally know until somebody gifted me a game

I guess that's how you get to know people these days

well, kinda

i was taught to never ever put stuff on the internet like address, or personal stuff

when I was around 10 my dad put this internet safety thing against research sites but he uses the same two passwords everywhere so I just turned it off

as long as i'm not talking to girls mom's cool with it

I'm not allowed on reddit or 4chan. That's pretty much it.

At my moms: "Don't talk to strangers!" I still do tho I CURRENTLY AM
Dads: I am 99.99% percent sure he has a Keytracker on my computer.

Father keeps saying he's going to block some sites with parental controls, but he never does.

I'm not allowed on reddit or 4chan. That's pretty much it.

Every once in a while some weird openDNS stuff pops up and I need to reset our router.

I already use tor. I don't actually care about 4chan or reddit though.

my parents have tried to keep me away from """strangers on the internet!""" but to no avail

Father keeps saying he's going to block some sites with parental controls, but he never does.
my mom keeps saying she's gonna make my sister and I give her all our passwords for stuff but like
1. she doesn't even know all the stuff I actually have
and 2. she never actually makes us give her the passwords

I used to have to ask about download literally anything for a few years when I was younger.

Other than that I had alot of freedom.

I used to have to ask about download literally anything for a few years when I was younger.

Other than that I had alot of freedom.
Just... don't ask?