Author Topic: demo house 2!!!!!! if you want to download save click on link  (Read 2438 times)

this is demo house 2!!!!!
a remake of demo house
heres pic :P

i hope you like my remake oh heres link to pic
heres link to save

v1 includes: a basic door,a roadster,and the TF2 rocket lancher 

Could you change the color of the roof to red? If you could that'd be nice.

V3 now includes: red roof,sedan :P,RPG (from Gcats fire arms)
yes RPG can destory bricks :P

Demo can't have add-ons.

Can it?

Your other topic was a dissapointment, this one isn't far either.

Your other topic was a dissapointment, this one isn't far either.

By the way, is the house painted glow?

How about putting a door at the entrance to the house?

if you want V3 download Gcats fire arms

Can we have pictures of version 3?