Author Topic: Does anybody have any Jail Escape tips?  (Read 806 times)

I recently got the Slayer game mode, and I've been hosting a Team Slayer of a Jail Escape.
The guards have a blue key, and a blue keycard (to open cells, and to open locked doors). And in the spawn room, they have a variety of weapons to choose from. The Prisoners have a fist as their only weapon. I have an AFK room, and an Admin/Control Room. I also have a WIP vent system for the prisoners to sneak thru. I also have a yellow zone outside.

Does anybody have any ideas for what I should Add/Remove/change?
I'll post pictures if they're requested.

AFK room is a bad idea, kick AFKers.

AFK room is a bad idea, kick AFKers.
Thank you. I'll get rid of it.

For your little keycards <3
A JVS keycard reader with animation

Ignore Daronize in the background but that's my current build

Btw, this goes in Genral Dicuss

Btw, this goes in Genral Dicuss
Oh? I thought it would go here.

  • The vent system is now fully operational.

For your little keycards <3
A JVS keycard reader with animation


Thanks. Download link please?

Thanks. Download link please?


I will put a pack with several JVS stuffs out soon anyways

It creates two sound datablocks because JVS needs then or failure, won't use them though...
Add an OnContentstarted - named brick - blah to it



I will put a pack with several JVS stuffs out soon anyways

It creates two sound datablocks because JVS needs then or failure, won't use them though...
Add an OnContentstarted - named brick - blah to it


Well, I should lock this now. My Jail Escape server is great now!