Author Topic: Phanto's alt-left SJW agenda.  (Read 30730 times)


Any time a terrorist attack happens someone makes a [news] article about it. are you saying i'm now a regressive cuck and a horrible person because i made a topic about a white person doing it? I'm only posting what i saw in the news, and if you think informing people on an event is why Annoying Orange won then uh... you're clinically insane. Would you prefer it if i censor myself and never post news that involves a white criminal

the *doesn't count* stuff was pulled out of your ass, never have i said anything of the sort nor implied it

if a people's way of life is threatened then we should help them

Not to mention that illegal immigration is a victimless crime

Good. Maybe they're shortening the vetting process so that it's easier for people to immigrate

obviously. if you shorten the citizenship process then it will be easier for legal immigrants to gain citizenship

Well if we make the citizenship process fast, then they will no longer be illegal

It's clearly obvious Phantos has an agenda that is against the right. He's going to keep up this virtue signaling.

He's half black but doesn't at all identify with his white counterpart. That's how crazy he is.

So, you drama'd him because you disagreed with him?

So, you drama'd him because you disagreed with him?

No, because he has a clear agenda and is trying to rally people on his side.

No, because he has a clear agenda and is trying to rally people on his side.
So, this drama is about you disagreeing with his opinion. Gotcha

So, this drama is about you disagreeing with his opinion. Gotcha

You also follow his political alt-left spectrum.

tony i don't think you taking offense to someone's opinion is a legitimate drama reason

lord tony at his finest ladies and gentlemen

hey tony I'm taking over your writer position at one and a half tonys

listen to your husband tony

what do you mean i don't identify with my white counterpart? i consider myself white too

remember race is a social construct

also can i call to attention that this is such a low ass quality drama that the 'evidence' against me is quotes about me expressing altruism.

remember race is a social construct
oh yeah sorry i forgot i was transcracker (its okay for me to say it because i identify as white too)

shut up, tony.
you're dipping here.
let the man have his own views

dang... disliked and unsubscribed... hate to do it but i guess that's how it's gotta be...