Author Topic: star citizen?  (Read 936 times)

ok so who is playing and is it worth it.

my nerd friend wants me to join him and i dont get this pick a ship deal.

If I had a super computer and some spare cash, I'd totally get it someday.

It looks awesome so far and has a ton of potential, but I feel like it still has a long way to go. If I were you, I wouldn't invest heavily into it yet, but it's certinally worth keeping an eye on.

If you have a friend playing it then it probably is more worth getting in your case, as it sounds like one of those games that's much better with a group of dudes working together.

This is the cheapest ship package that includes the game.

As of now, The servers don't run very well but is still extremely fun if you get a friend or two and do some missions together. The 3.0 update which supposedly fixes the server issues along with adding interplanetary landing and a lot more should be out this year.

what is the actual difference with all the ships. is it about stat differences or something?
Yes, a lot of the ships have different weapons, functions, manuverability, etc. Some aren't even meant for combat. With the Aurora you won't last long in a skirmish, but you can always steal a ship off of someone else (though you won't keep it, sadly.)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 11:24:49 PM by AtlasBlue »

what is the actual difference with all the ships. is it about stat differences or something?

what is the actual difference with all the ships. is it about stat differences or something?
different ships have different stats yes, but they also handle differently, have different hardpoints and systems, and are meant to play different roles. your ship package only includes a ship kind of as a "reward" for backing however much money you wish to back, similar to kickstarter tiers. when the game hits release, you'll start out with the ship(s) you're flying now and will be able to purchase any ship with in-game currency