Author Topic: Super Mario Odyssey Picture Thread  (Read 1125 times)

This game is good, so post your good photos from the game

idkool kids klubdkdk how!!!

knowing you it's probably a joke but just in case:
on the left JoyCon press the down arrow to bring up the camera
move the camera to your liking
either wait like three seconds or press Y (I think it's Y) to remove the hud overlay
left and right arrow change the filter

take the photo with the snapshot button on the Switch itself

isn't mine but sharing anyways.

Costume was based off of some issue I believe? Something like that.
Of course, many people being a fan of Rick and Morty believed this was a nod to Rick.

Edit: Here, comparison for the costumes:
« Last Edit: November 18, 2017, 06:31:47 AM by Grassy »