
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 162950 times)

if you get fed like I almost always do you do a ton in teamfights
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 05:29:43 PM by Renousim »

if you get fed like I almost always do you do a ton in teamfights
granted, but you cant base a champions usefulness on getting fed

A fed Rumble/Yi/Shyvanna/Olaf/Xin and more can easily melt people in teamfights. Hell, they can still do work while not being fed, while having more utility and/or efficiency. However, he is a pain in the laning phase, if you don't have range or a dash.

again im very interested in your reasoning for why hes good

if you get fed like I almost always do a ton in teamfights
why did you edit in a grammar mistake

if you get fed like I almost always do a ton in teamfights

The fact why darius is so stuff is because he is easily kiteable.

Why do you guys care so much what he thinks about Darius..

and the video wasnt even funny ):

anyway uhhhh EKKO IS FUN AS FUKK

Why do you guys care so much what he thinks about Darius..
Because he won't stop being annoying about it :/

And also partly because I find Ren annoying in general.

Half the time when I play with Ren he's going on about some balance thing he thinks is the next big thing (Doran's Ring on Varus because mana problem guys! (He said this a while ago, but doesn't change the fact he said it)), or talks about how OP the champ he got is, or how OP that thing that barely happens / takes skill to master is, or how he's pretty damn toxic all around and how roostery he gets when he does well (Yes good job, that triple kill was entirely you and not the efforts of you and your team now please stop going to take dragon and grab the inhib).

and the video wasnt even funny ):

anyway uhhhh EKKO IS FUN AS FUKK
Ekko is amazingly fun to play and it feels rewarding when you do well with him, 10/10 would champion again
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 02:55:59 PM by Alphadin »

i actually love orianna oh my god its so satisfying hitting 3/4 person ults

the wombos man

i want to change my name but i'm not creative

Change it to Top Kekko and then exclusively play Ekko top.