Author Topic: Slate snow  (Read 8688 times)

Slate - snow
This is slate edit, with snow.
Slate - northern lights
I add northen lights .

(screenshot is from slate snow)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 01:57:27 PM by inik »

its preatty good
i like the particles, too

its terrible
Why do you think that,its a pretty good map.

on-topic:snowball fight!!! :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 02:09:42 PM by David819 »

its terrible because the textures are ugly looking and is very poorly made. plus we have slate snow maps you durr

its terrible because the textures are ugly looking and is very poorly made. plus we have slate snow maps you awesome guy

A very much Failed Edit when we can see the original post Right ontop.

On-Topic: No.

There already is a better one by Demain.

Never really liked slate maps much cause when you're flying, you usually can't see the ground.

i have idea for update: the northern lights and santas grotto

I do northern lights.
  (see up)

hm, the plate is stuff, particles nice, fix the plate to somthing better and youll get me off my addiction to slate tundra.