Author Topic: Why buy Blockland?  (Read 10894 times)

Interested in buying Blockland?

Are you looking into buying Blockland, but you're not sure if you should, or shouldn't? Well, let's hope this post can convince you to buy Blockland!

Who are the usual people who are interested in Blockland?

Blockland is a building game, based off of Lego. People that are interested in Lego, building, and/or constructing will find this game very amusing.


The main reason for Blockland: building! The building system in Blockland is quite simple. It's like building with Lego in real life. Although the controls are quite confusing at your first look, once you get to know it, it's actually very simple and makes more sense than any other key bindings you would've been able to think of. You may construct whatever you please. The only limit is a 128 000 brick limit (We'll talk about this later). Building in Blockland, unlike building in real life with Lego has its advantages. You may choose from a large variety of bricks, use whatever brick however many times as you please. There is also a saving and loading feature. Instead of bashing up your builds in real life to make a new one, you could just save an old build, and load it back another time. This feature also works for other servers, but we'll get to that later on in this post.

Brick Limit

You might think that 128 000 is a small brick limit, but worry not, it's actually quite big. Most decent, or very nice builds actually have around 20 000 bricks or so. Even large scale landscapes will have around 50 000 bricks. It'll actually take a while for you to hit the limit. So worry not, this limit won't really affect you.


Events add to the build. It gives the build some functions. Events is a system where you can apply some actions to a brick, or a numerous amount of bricks. These actions can vary from many different things. From displaying text on your screen, to giant anti-air turrets.

(Image contains events from the JVS doors add-on)


Blockland has brick physics to it. Although, these physics are limited. This bricks are client-sided, and thus, only the client can see them. Unless another player has physics enabled, they can't see them.  You can create some interesting contraptions with physics, but when a brick has its physics enabled, it won't affect bricks or anything that doesn't have it enabled.

Weapons and vehicles

Blockland comes with some basic default weapons. They are: sword, gun, spear, bow, pushbroom(Does no damage, but pushes other players) and a rocket launcher. These weapons actually do damage, and enables it so you can have deathmatches with others. There's also brick damage in Blockland. This means that weapons can destroy bricks. Weapons like the rocket launcher and spear are explosive weapons, so when they hit an object, they have an explosive radius. You can destroy a large amount of bricks with them. When destroying bricks with weapons, providing that you have physics enabled, gives the brick physics.

Vehicles are a way of transportation. You can use them for stunts, races, and/or to get around a build or map in Blockland. They are quite fun to use and can provide some life into builds. And to spawn them, all you have to do is place a vehicle spawn!

Multiplayer and singleplayer

Blockland has a multiplayer feature as well as a singleplayer feature. In single player you can build by yourself, or go on LAN (Local Area Network) and player with friends or family on your network. To play multiplayer or LAN, you require a key. You can get this key by buying Blockland. You can play singleplayer without a key, but you get restricted to 150 bricks. During multiplayer, you can host your own server or join another person's. A server is basically your own domain which you or your friends can hang out in. You could make it private and password it, or leave it open to the public so other people can come. You have absolute power in your server and can do whatever you please. You could ban, kick, clear bricks, etc. When joining other servers, you have just as many powers as anyone else on the server except for the administrators. Other servers could have deathmatches, races, challenges, or just plain freebuilds. If you have your own little cool build that you made, and you want to show it to other people, you could load it on other servers. You could also save on other servers if you've built something there that you like! Although, loading requires admin, but saving doesn't. When online, you can communicate to other users by talking in the chat box, but this is restricted to players in the server. What's cool is that you can talk to people even while you're loading a server.

Blockland Key

When you buy Blockland, you get a key, which gives you your own Blockland ID (BLID). Your BLID will always be the same and no one can copy it. BLIDs are determined from when you bought it. They also identify you around Blockland if you change your name. They don't do anything but that. You also get your own name in Blockland. Once you register your name in Blockland, and you do this in-game, no one else can take it unless you change your name.

Add-ons/modifications (mods)

Blockland has a huge add-on database. Many users from all around submit their add-ons or mods to the forums, or to the RTB add-on network. You can download any of these add-ons and put them on your server. If you enter a server that has an add-on that you don't, you'll download it. Add-ons can vary from decals, to paintsets, to weapons, vehicles and tools. You could also make your own add-ons. To make your own add-ons you'll have to learn how to program/script in Torque script.

3 main reasons to buy Blockland:

1. Unique building system, just like building with Lego.

2. Multiplayer feature so you can play with other users and friends.

3. Large add-on database that contains some creative add-ons.


Blockland FAQ:

Thanks for reading, I hope this has convinced you to buy Blockland. If there are any mistakes or parts that need fixing, please tell me.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 10:06:51 PM by MrCookie »

Huh. This is nice. You obviously took time into making this huge article.

Sticky-worthy imo.
It took him an hour and a half to type that up.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 03:51:06 AM by dkamm65 »

Now that you edited that, the original thing you said sounds dirty for some reason. :cookieMonster:

Hey, my server's on there! But it has no bricks... and two people...?

I say this should be stickied.

Also, I think for the events section, it should show the events on the light in the demo house, explaining that it is the events for a light. The JVS events don't appear to have any purpose when you don't know what the "content" is.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 04:42:05 AM by xC »

I think this should be stickied as well. We always get those new members that join and consider buying Blockland, but always make topics asking what it's like.

Wow this is great, good job. It should definitely be stickied.

Nice, but you should really revise it.  You're repetitive in some spots (with certain phrases or words) and misuse commas in a few places.

I'm only suggesting that because you want to convince people to join, so it should be as clear and as well-written as possible.

I don't think this is going to get a sticky. The forum is not the place for maximum exposure and very few people are actually going to go forum snooping to make sure they don't waste $20.

This might kinda be like the clan guidelines of buying blockland ^_^

the kind of person that would post "why should i buy blockland?!?!?!?!" is the kind of person that wont even look at the stickys.

Interested in buying Blockland?
The only limit is a 128 000 brick limit
dude I've hit 543,216