Author Topic: [NEW] Mountain Skyboxes  (Read 86491 times)

I would love it if the download was fixed. it keeps failing due to a "network error'

All i can say is i would download this 6 times and keep the copies

You could put a MF or Dropbox mirror

Stop hosting images things from your slow ass server, these are taking years to load.

Hmmm... seems nice for RPing. I do lots of RPing, so I might as well get this skybox. Also, it looks excellent, nice job! :cookieMonster:

Lol. There's this one skybox, where there's this skihut, and there's two people sitting outside, and it looks like they're 5 billion meters high because they're part of the skybox.

Edit: The rocky one looks like it doesn't match the blockland lighting...

I want to tell you you're right or wrong but the images are outright not loading anymore. Oh well.

Can you convert Teide?

HTTP 404 not found yay!
Yeah due to an incident that happened a while ago he shut down his site or something
But I have this, hang on a sec I'll put it on dropbox

ohh a skybox named download! likey likey!

Yeah due to an incident that happened a while ago he shut down his site or something
But I have this, hang on a sec I'll put it on dropbox
Your link doesnt work either ;-;