Author Topic: Explain plz  (Read 2345 times)

Yeah..i did something with a horse and chain gun, but i dont know what, and my hand appeared like this lol.

anyone know how to do this? i want it back lol.

it seems to be in the spear ready position.

it was stuck like that to, even if i took it off, the funny thing is when i ttok it off it was like in a hug position but the hand was upside down!

Surgery is the best way to go for that.

more pics of it

omg as soon as I saw the 2nd picture of the thing I thought...

Sampapa was posing for the pics and Caffineboy ran in front of him for the second one, after the pic, he yelled "RAPE!!" O_o Actually, there were 3 pics, but Caffineboy ran in front of me and f'ed it up...

did you try Self Delete?

suiciding killed it.

Code: [Select]
%player.playthread(4,spearReady);I think the above would cause the same effect, since I'm pretty sure no one uses 4 thread slot. It wouldn't undo until you died :o.

I just had to do this

Make more, that's funny!  :cookieMonster: