
Is this list worthy of a sticky?

Needs more commands

Author Topic: Big list O' Console Commands!  (Read 127599 times)

[weapon here]image.projectile = [projectile name here]projectile;  (Changes weapon projectile)
Beat me to it :C

What is it with you and making sticky-bound topics

What is it with you and making sticky-bound topics

I'm trying to do something good for the Blockland community, the part of it that is intelligent enough to not post Drama in Suggestions and Requests.

Also, I'm tired.

Quote from: myself
I think the likelihood of Badspot stickying any of these topics is very slim. The only new sticky topics I've seen since V11 came have been in the Modification forums, despite the dozen or so topics made that everyone wants as a sticky. I may not know what Badspot's thinking, but from what he's shown through his actions (or rather, lack of) and posts, I'm going to guess that not many threads are going to be stuck up at the top any time soon. If he stuck all of the help threads that have been made in the last few months, we might as well just have a full page of sticky threads.

I love those, but they make me want to puke. It's fun to go around with them enabled spamming paint can on everyone.

I love those, but they make me want to puke. It's fun to go around with them enabled spamming paint can on everyone.

Spiiinnnnn cyyyyyclllle @_@

Edited to include Gamefandan's.


Quite random.

buildwall(); - Plays some sort of spammy macro.

Ah, forget.

Don't forget chuckNorris();

It allows you to place one brick inside another. :P



I cant believe they haven't been posted yet.