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Topics - RP Hoogle

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Drama / ANT called me Fat
« on: July 06, 2016, 02:15:04 PM »
I was playing on Sylvanors server and ANT is building a submarine with beds in it I wanted to go on one of them and he said i couldnt because im fat, im not fat! he just didnt build the beds properly,

dont play with ant unless u wanna be called fat

sylvanor wont do anything about it

Would it be possible to have Hue/Saturation/Lightness/Tint options for shaders. Similar I guess to the way Vignette works but with other blend modes than just multiply.

This could allow for black and white servers (with the new shadows you could have a 1930s Film Noir Gangster DM) or perhaps a sepia/desaturated look for a Western game.

Suggestions & Requests / Ideas (Which I don't know how to make)
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:15:17 PM »
I've had lots and lots of ideas but sadly I can't implement any of them so here they are. I'll start of by saying sorry if some of these are already in existence or already requested.

Paint Can DM

This would be a game where the goal was to cover enemy player's whole body in paint. Paint wouldn't disappear like it does in game normally. When all the nodes of the player (e.g Head, body, hands, etc.) the player loses. There would also be a Clean_paint event to accompany this game. This would allow players to clean themselves. I had the idea that players would have to jump into water to get clean.

Perhaps this game could work as a team game. Each player starts with an individual colour on their own and they have to paint players to win. Let's say the Red player completely covers the Green player in red paint. The Green player would then become a member of Red team. They would then work together to cover other players in their colour. The game would end when a colour has covered everyone.

If anyone is capable of making this idea please do as I want to play it :D

Vehicle Impact Injuries

Pretty self evident. High speed impacts in vehicles can cause injuries and deaths. Different pain levels for different speeds. Breaking hard when speeding, crashing into walls would cause injuries. Players could ram into stationary cars injuring themselves and those who are in the other car (perhaps this one could be optional). If this script could work I think it would be a good idea to have a helmet item. If you are wearing your helmet damage would be lighter if you crash.

Team Leader Commands

There has been 'Team Leader' options in TDM mods for a while now but they have always been just a name. I think Team Leaders should be given more options to command. These would mostly be team chat commands similar to an operator in an IRC channel. The leader could type a command that would allow only them to speak in teamchat. They also get the ability to punish insubordinate team players. They could mute players in team chat and they could also /jail <player> which would send them to the Brig if the host has built one.
In TDMs where there are team objectives or parts that require planning and teamwork then I think this mod could be very useful.

I had more ideas but I they aren't coming to mind just now. If anyone understands blockland better than I could you tell me if these are possible?

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