Author Topic: Pino (ID:34728) - Spoiled Brat, Sending bestiality research links.  (Read 8346 times)

I'll pass on this, he's a good friend of mine and helped me build some Maps for a server that is being hosted today.
Built a map one time with me

Bestiality Links
Threatening to Dox
BL Hack

I hate to say this to you buddy, but your friend is a problem user.

Built a map one time with me

Bestiality Links
Threatening to Dox
BL Hack

I hate to say this to you buddy, but your friend is a problem user.

you just destroyed him

Built a map one time with me

Bestiality Links
Threatening to Dox
BL Hack

I hate to say this to you buddy, but your friend is a problem user.

hey to be fair he did build him that map some time 3 years ago

he sent me a brown town horse link once on freeze tag and he was attempting to lag a
fort wars server with nukes while the owner was afk and it literally loopkilled everyone
and exploded everything and the LOUD NOISES were so awful and then when the owner
came out he pulled out the victim card as high as he could to the sky and claimed that
i was spawnkilling him and blamed EVERYTHING on me, also in general hes a richard,
i will try to send screenshots later because im on my phone and the screenshots are on
my pc

pics (people told me to ban for a second time)
sorry for double post

had more

Pino claimed he swatted Spartan 101:

Claims "his friend did it"

This man is not right in the brain.

Revoke this sperg. He clearly wasn't beat enough as a kid. Oh wait, he still is.

hey gamers, here's an update from y'boi spartan 101
i talked with him, he said he was joking about it entirely, messing w/ people and all.


y'all got loving played lmao

haha don’t worry guys he was just pretending to be crippled in the brain you all are such noobs hahaha ha

somewhere down the road a little he was claiming to be swatting random users on waldoball additionally